Ep. 1 - Buried Secrets

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A woman reports of her missing husband.

"Hello, is the police department?!"

"Yes ma'am, this is the Candall Police Department. What happened?"

"Can you please help find my husband?

"Sure ma'am but co-"

Before the receiver could continue, the woman interrupts.



Hello there, my name is Sherry Hunter and I work at the CSBI.

While I have cool colleagues and friends there,the main purpose for working there is to mainly bring the death of my family to justice and personally arrest the killer.

My aunt Sharon and Uncle Alex took care of me and loved me as much as I think my parents would too.My uncle used to worked as a police officer and I still remembered him searching through piles of files in the night.

He didn't like to be disturbed so I asked my aunt.

"Aunt Sharon, why is Uncle Alex playing with paper?" (I was just 6 then)

"Oh Sherry darling, your uncle is just working hard to bring back Mommy and Daddy. That's all."

Fearing that I would be frightened or shocked, my aunt and uncle told me that my parents and siblings went to overseas without me because they wanted my aunt and uncle to improve our relationship.

Unfortunatedly, after 2 years of searching, my uncle eventually failed to find the killer as the case went cold.

To continue my uncle's hard work and also to being justice to the Hunter Family,I decided to join the CSBI at the age of 21 years old.

For the past se--

"BOSS!!!!!!! WE'VE GOT A NEW CASE!!!!"yelled Sam.

Oh I guess I would have to tell you again the nex-


"oh my god...I'M COMING!!!"

I rushed to the office as soon as I could.

"So what's the case?"

"Hey chief! it seems like we have a case of a missing husband."

"What about his wife?"

"His wife was the one who reported the case, claiming that she has not seen him for a long time'"

"Hmm, show me her data"

Candice candidly types away.."She is a typical rich lady and is famous locally as the 'Pompous White Lady'."

"Hehe" we giggled."go on".

"She has no children and her parents died just last year.

"It seems like we have a lot to talk to with this pompous lady...Address? "

"Floral Avenue ,chief"

"Okay, let's go now to see what we can find out"

Floral Avenue

"Ding ding ding dong....." ringed that awful bell.

" They're rich but they couldn't afford to change the bell's tone eh?" I joked.

"Mrs Harrison? Mrs Harrison ,we're the CSBI and we're here to talk about husband." knocked Candice.

The door opened and sobbing sounds could be heard. Blood-shot Mrs Harrison immediately made me sorry for her.Naturally , the name 'Pompous White Lady' fades away.

"Maria, prepare our guests cups of tea."

"That wouldn't be necessary Mrs Harrison, we're just her to talk about your missing husband."

Mrs Harrison nodded and gave a handsign telling the maids to stop and leave the house.

"Okay now that's done, all yo-"

"I know how this goes..."

God why is everyone interrupting me..

"Okay then, when was the last time you saw your husband?"

"A few weeks ago, at home, I'm used to not see him a long time because he has to go to frequent business trips.....but.."

She sobs in between words.

"This morning ,I received a message from an unknown person, it said that my husband has done too many evil deeds so he is killed...I was shocked so I called the office only to be appalled even further..."

She pauses...

"What was it?" I asked.

"The secretary picked up the call and told me that he has not entered the building nor has he told anyone where he has gone for the last 2 weeks...."

She cries out loud.

"I mean where could he have been? He hasn't done anything wrong to get all of this..PLEASE FIND HIM!!!"

She cries further ,making her velvet blouse wet of her tears.

"Don't worry Mrs Harrison, we will find your husband..Thanks for your time."

The maids show us the way out and though they were rich, I couldn't see anything dazzling..it looked rather ordinary..

Just as we went out , Sam receives a call from the headquarters.

"Chief, we've got intel, possibly the victim's location."

"Okay let's go then."

"But chief, we are going to need tools to get the body."


"Apparently the body...is buried.."

"Okay then call the Constructional and Forensics team, we've got work to do."

Alivea Forest A.K.A. Crime Scene

As we arrived the place, I realised that it was rather muddy.

"Because there was a heavy downpour yesterday, so the place is rather muddy."

How did he read my thoughts?! Creepy...

"Okay thanks...Sam"

"So how was the body found?"

"A jogger's dog sniffed around, only to find a wooden casket sticking out,so he called the police..."

"Okay, so is the casket dug out yet?"

"Yes, they already opened it and the forensics are here."

"Okay let's go meet them"

We walked towards the crime scene carefully because of the muddy ground...

"So what we have?"

I thought to myself that this was just another innocent crime but what I'm about to hear shocked me......

To be continued... because my laptop is spoilt so my process is slowed..I will definitely continue this episode because this is not the end...when its is fixed I will definitely released a week long of episodes...
And by the way, episodes in this book do not end so abruptly so don't you worry about such inconsistencies...other than trailers and possible cliff-hangers... ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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