Part 2

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Present Scenario

Juhi worked in a famous hospital in Mumbai.. She drowned herself in work to keep herself occupied.. One fine day, she received a call from an unknown number.. hesitantly she answered the call.. The caller introduced herself as Dr. Anjali Gupta..
Juhi was enthralled to hear from Anjali.. After exchanging pleasantries, Anjali told her she has something important to speak to and if Juhi is free to talk...
Juhi right away asked her what was the matter.. Anjali spilled out that Dr. Shashank was diagnosed with a brain tumour 2 months back.. The tumour was advanced and almost all the neurosurgeons have refused to treat him.. The symptoms have started showing up and that he has started sinking day by day.. Anjali broke down.. Juhi was too numb even to utter a word.. She felt as though someone pulled the rug under her feet.. Her world came crashing down.. 'Her' Dr Shashank was so sick ...
Anjali composed herself and continued.. " Dad wants to know if you could attend to him and treat him.. "

Engulfed in shock she couldn't speak for a couple of minutes.... After composing herself she told Anjali, that she will be there tomorrow morning and told her not to worry..
After Anjali hung up , Juhi felt numb.. She felt nothing.. Her heart and mind froze..
That evening when she went back home, she informed Rahul about the situation, that she needs to go to Pune for few days..
He hardly heard her since he was least bothered and told her to do as she likes and not bother him..
Juhi could barely sleep that night.. the grief was such that she had never felt that way ever in her life.. she could never loose Dr Shashank ..
The next morning she started off early to Pune to beat the morning rush.. After a solid 3 hour drive, she reached Pune.. As she drove into Sanjivani, she was overwhelmed with emotions..
She dialled Anjali's number who asked her to come up to the first floor. Anjali greeted her and guided her to the room where Shashank was.. Since Anjali had a surgery to perform, she excused herself and told Juhi she would catch up with her later..
Juhi slowly pushed open the door and walked inside his room.. There he lay, 'Her' Dr Shashank peaceful sleeping on the hospital bed .. The man who was responsible for everything that she is, was lying in a helpless state.. Her heart bled seeing him like that.. She quietly walked and seated herself on the chair next to the bed..
A familiar and a soothing fragrance caught Shashank's nostrils that made him wake up and open his eyes slowly... There she was 'His' Juhi sitting right beside him after 5 years..
"Juhi, he called her..
She felt at home hearing her name from his mouth.. She was so overwhelmed that she only smiled and with tears swelling up in her eyes, ready to spill any moment..
" Hey Juhi , I'm not dead yet, so don't cry, he chuckled ..
Loss at words she nodded her head side to side asking him not to say such things..
He added " Its so good to see you , Juhi..
Thanks for coming..
"There is no need to thank me sir..
Why didn't tell me earlier as soon as you got to know about this sickness.." She asked him
Shashank sighed.. " I got to know about it 2 months back.. almost all the neurosurgeons gave up on treating me since the tumour is advanced.. I tried to pull on without letting anyone know about it.. But since a couple of days the symptoms flared up and needed attention.. so light had to be thrown .. hence I asked Anjali to request you to come over...
Sir, she said.. " I would like to see the scans and reports.. " He pointed at the drawer of the bed side table telling her the reports were kept there..
Juhi went through the scans and reports
" The tumour is quite big and advanced , she said..
Shashank directly shot a question " Juhi, will you operate on me???
Juhi was shocked.. No words came out of her mouth.. She told him it's very risky .. he could loose his memory as well as his eye sight..
Shashank retorted " I know it all, but tell me will you operate on me...
She flatly refused saying " No sir, I can't take such a big risk, especially with you... and looked down avoiding eye contact..
Shashank let out a deep sigh and asked her "so will you let me die.... "
Lightning speed she looked back at him and said " Never" .. Then please operate on me he pleaded... He looked vulnerable..
How could she say no to the man who she cares and respect the most.. Her god, mentor and guide....
She remained silent for a couple of minutes her heart and mind at fight with each other.... Finally she let her heart win over her mind, and said.. " I will operate on you sir"
Shashank was so happy to hear that, he smiled with a twinkle in his eyes and said "thank you Juhi, I trust you more than I trust myself .. and held her hand in his..
She kept her right hand over his hand and told him " I'll try not to break your trust , sir ..

**Next part will be posted tomorrow morning..
Lots of love 😊

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