7 🖤

153 8 0

Aida POV
i'm finally home. The second i walked into the house i smell weed. The usual.
I see Jade and Amara blasting music while smoking.
i walk upstairs and into my room. I immediately took off Kentrells sweats and shirt and changed into my own clothes. I hear a knock on my door before i see Amara walk in.
"How was it?". she questioned
"it was decentt." i smiled.
"that's all? i want details girl. Did y'all fuck?" she killed me with questions
"No omg. We just chilled and watched movies" i said truthfully.
"aww. Y'all seem like y'all already vibing" she noticed.
"yeah i feel the same way about him. i feel like i really be having the best times with him. which is crazy to say considering we barely just met" i explained
"Don't geek your head up Aida." is all she said before she walked out. Weirdo.
I cleaned around my room just to sit back down once i was done. Damn there really aint shit to do.
i decided to hop on IG to see whats going. Just for me to see Kentrell posted some. i clicked it. He posted a snap with him and some girl in his car. Wtf. i examined the video over and over. the girl had blonde hair and had a fair skin complexion. Don't matter who that bitch is. Why the fuck she with him and in his car?
Annoyed i just locked my phone and put it away. and walked back downstairs.
"Bitch did you see Kentrells story?" Jade questioned me before i can even bring it up.
"yes i did" i said rolling my eyes
"What the fuck is up with that?" she said almost laughing.
"i dont know and i wont even trip" i responded.
"thats so crazy" Jade said
"its youngboy. im not surprised" Amara chipped in.
"i'm not even worried about it. I just won't talk to him no more" i said shocking them.
"girl what happened to that publicity shit?"Jade asked
"i dont care. i won't look like no goofy for some clout" i said making them laugh.
"you're not wrong" Amara mentioned
"i know" i said rolling my eyes.
He's so weird for that shit🤣
I hope he doesn't try texting or calling me cuz i won't fold.
Just as i said that my phone dinged.
I looked down to see that Jay texted me.
Jay💙🤝- You seen Kentrells story?
i responded back immediately
Me- Yes and Idc
Jay💙🤝- Crazyy. Cut that boy off. Shits not worth looking dumb over.
Me- Yeah i know :/
with that i locked my phone again, sitting there shaking my head.
My fear of getting too attached came true, or maybe i have a reason to feel some typa way? That's really disrespectful of him.

I know its short ;( i got y'all dont worry. Vote it up guys❤️

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