Chapter 2

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Mondo'S POV

The taunting the clock ticked every fucking click started driving me bat shit crazy along with the fact that's the only damn sound in the room if ima be alone with this dipshit for hours I gotta start up a conversation with him .
" so... uh Ishimaru .... what do ya do for fun" I looked at him waiting for an answer we was quiet for a sec I started thinking he didn't hear me it ignored me until " 1 Please don't say my last name it's TAKA second why are you asking me , why should it concern you??"
" damn chill TaKa! I was just trying to start a conversation ya know, be nice! I don't know who shoved a stick up your ass but I don't need ya being a bitch to me " I crossed my arms and looked away he blushed a bit " s-shoved a wh-..." I rolled scoffed " it's an expression even tho I know you whould like it!" Taka's face turned red " EXUSE ME THAT WAS VERY INAPPROPRIATE-" " and won't be tolerated in a school environment bla bla bla " I finished for him "ya know people whould like your more if you where a little bit more layed back ya know?!" I looked back at the window "I .....I don't care why should I look for other people's approval I know what I'm doing is right and that's all that matters just because some delinquent thinks I need to change doesn't mean I'm going to" he preached i just sighed I guess he's right I kinda feel bad for the kid....I whould be his friend, he really is adorable er nice but I don't wanna ruin my reputation if anyone found out the badass biker gang leader was hanging out with a goody two shoes twink for fun I'd be over with

Taka's POV

I didn't know what to say as a matter of fact I didn't want to say anything to him.Im not going to lie I really am afraid of him I don't wanna say anything that might upset him I mean I whouldnt want to do that anyway I hate making people mad I took a deep breath " well what do you Want to talk about " he just kinda looked at me " idk man I just hate silence..... so why do you care so much about what other people do it's THEIR life " I looked down " I-I really just want to help people.......I know nobody appreciates it and nobody likes me because of it but.....I ...I can't just let someone ruin their life's I just want people to be happy and live good lives and if just one person one person I can set on the right path might thank me one day and the last name Ishimaru might be positive for them" I didn't realize but I started to cry mid sentence "h-hey ok? "
Mondo'S POV
The sight of seeing him cry broke my heart I'm not even sure why.. " It's ok please don't cry " I tried to. Sound comforting but I just came off as annoyed and rude. He just cried more I have no clue how to comfort people so I just whent up to him. Taka got startled "NO PDA!!!!" I just ignored it and soon enough he calmed down and hugged me back "*sniffle * t-thanks....ya know your not as mean as you pretend to be ....your actually kinda nice.." I rubbed his back "no problem dude.." my heart was pounding this boy was so cute I hope I don't catch feels... maybe I already did..
I drew the picture in the beginning I'm really proud of it you can check it out on my instagram on my page UwU

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2019 ⏰

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