Chapter 29: Dead In The Water

Start from the beginning

It was then that I knew for sure that Cash was onto them. Maybe he didn't know who had taken me or where I was, but he knew that I wasn't breaking up with him on my own volition. He sensed that something deeper was going on here, and he was asking me to confirm it in a way only he would understand.

No one but Cash new about my dreams. I had never shared the reality of them with anyone other than him.

"Yes," I confirmed. "I keep having that same dream, and every time it reminds me why we can't be together," I said, praying he would remember exactly the dream I was referring too.

"And there's no way we can just forget about them and move forward?" he asked cryptically.

I knew he was trying to ask if there was any way I could somehow escape, but I had given up on that hope back when I locked myself into an old bathroom and got shot at as a result.

"No," I confirmed. "My dreams are right. We can't be together Cash, and you're just gonna have to accept it." I said to him, hoping to convey the severity of my predicament. This wasn't just some low-level thug trying to get even with me for killing their buddy Rigs, or even one of his whores who thought fucking with me would be a fun pass-time. This was a well thought out and elaborate scheme orchestrated by my husband's sister, who very much wanted me dead. I knew Erin had every intention of killing me, whether she got her money or not, so my time was running out.

"I guess this is the closure I needed then," he said, letting me know that this conversation was everything he had needed to confirm his suspicions.

"I guess so. Please don't call me again, Cash," I said, hoping to limit the number of times Erin and Ryan listened to us. I didn't want to risk that they would catch on to what I was doing and kill me before Cash and the club even had a chance to come and find me.

"I won't, but there's one last thing I need to tell you," he added.

"What is it?" I asked, eager to rush him off the phone.

He was silent for a moment, causing my nerves to shoot up to an all-time high. Part of me worried that he was about to say outright he was on to whoever was holding me here and threaten their lives, but all that would do was let them know they had a target on their back and probably cut the time they kept me alive in half.

But no—Cash was smarter than that.

"I love you, Nora. Don't ever forget that," he mumbled, catching me completely by surprise.

Ryan cut the call short moments after he'd said it, and I almost couldn't believe those words had just left his mouth. We had agreed just this morning to wait to say that to each other until we could do it in person, but I was sure that Cash probably worried he might never get the chance. Hell—I worried I still wouldn't get the chance to tell him that I loved him too, but right now, he and my sons were the only things I could hold onto.

"Aww, how cute," Erin teased. "You actually got Cash McPherson to fall in love with you?"

I stared at her blankly, because I almost couldn't believe myself.

Ryan let out a laugh, leaning in so close to me that I could feel his stale breath on my cheek. "I had you for months; you weren't that good."

I narrowed my eyes, gathering enough spit in my mouth to shoot it out on his face. "You never had me, asshole," I reminded.

Ryan winced, using the back of his hand to wipe my saliva off his cheek. His face had twisted with anger as he let out a menacing laugh and lifted his right hand, bringing it forward, so it connected to my cheek with a firm slap.

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