“Dad should hire you as his own personal publicist. You’d save him a lot of money.” I grumbled into the phone.

My feet pounded into the pavement, trying to make my way across campus back to my apartment. All I wanted to do was forget about Bodhi and his shitty attitude. I wanted to remember the amazing night I had with Dex secluded in his room. His fingertips. His tongue. His moans mixed with mine. His roughness. His kisses. Would he call me? Shit--- I should have gotten his number too! Oh well, I'm not above stalking. At least I know where he lives.

“Yeah--no thanks. I’ll stick to not doing that.” She said sarcastically, a startling gasp escaping her lips. 

“Kaycee, who are you talking to…. it’s 3 am.” My breaths hitched in my throat and held in my lungs. Even after all these years on my own, his voice still got me. Memories tickled the back of my mind at the sound of his booming, authoritative voice instantly stiffening my body. Like I was the one in trouble. My mind sunk back to simpler times. My younger years. Frantically texting at midnight under the covers. Or the 2 am phone calls with friends or even my secret boyfriend. Dad always had eyes in the back of his head and ears like a dog. We couldn’t hide a damn thing from his bloodhound nose.

“I can pretend to be some hunky boy,” I teased on the phone and she huffed in my ear.

“Don’t you dare!” She grumbled and I could tell by the rustling of the phone that my father had wrestled the phone from her. 

“Who is this?” he asked sternly like a roaring lion. Protecting his young cub from outside threats.

I snorted. “Relax, it’s your favorite daughter.” I could picture the smile spreading across his face, as he gave a breathy laugh. 

“I’ll rephrase that, why are you calling your sister at 3 am?” He asked lightheartedly now, losing his papa bear edge. 

“Just sister stuff, Dad. Kaycee had a question, and I had an answer, you know, period stuff. Boy troubles…. only things girls need to know.” Or naked picture problems in my case, but Dad didn’t need to get wind of that. Ever. I chuckled, knowing exactly what I did to him when I said those words. I could play dad like my fingers played a fiddle, expertly moving up and plucking his strings. 

“Oh, God, here’s your sister back. Just—don’t keep her up too late. Ugh. And I love you, princess.” He huffed out in disgust. Probably throwing the phone back at Kaycee so fast like a hot potato burning his hands. 

“Love you too!” I chirped, feeling good about myself avoiding his interrogations.

If he got wind of periods or boys or girly things, he immediately hightailed it out of there. Now—-don’t get me wrong, my Dad is an amazing man, and he raised two girls, and has a wife. He knew all out these things, he just didn’t like to have in-depth conversations about periods. Usually, he handed it off to Mom, and she’d talk to us until our ears fell off. She always had sound advice, but she wasn’t there this time. Must have been in bed already.

“You’re an evil genius, Cals. You even made him shut my bedroom door.” Kaycee said through giddy excitement.  

“Don’t sweat it. Dad is easy, now Mom? She knows all the tricks.” I chuckled finally making it to the elevators of my building and pressed the 4th floor. 

“I—uh—speaking of Mom, have you talked to her lately?” Kaycee asked in a hushed tone. Concern lacing her small voice and my stomach sank into my butt. Kaycee wasn’t a worrier. Kaycee was a doer and anxiety didn’t hold her back from anything. So hearing this…. this worry in her voice, spread worry to my aching bones.  

Sex and Radio (Book 2)Completed|| Where stories live. Discover now