I fell back from him and his evil accusation. Not letting him see what his name-calling did to me. Bruised me. It hurt me. Such a strong word to tear someone down. I hated that word, whore. What was the point of it? So the fuck what if I had a long list of names etched into my little black book? So what if I liked sex? It felt good and made me feel good about myself. Why did he have to judge me so harshly? Probably because he’s been a fucking saint his whole life never stepping a toe out of line and me? Well, I’m the family fuck up. 

“Yeah—well we can’t all fall in love sophomore year with the perfect person, now can we? So fuck you. And fuck your monogamy. And by the way, in this day and age, sleeping around isn’t frowned upon! I can sleep with whoever I want and you can’t stop me!” I yelled throwing my arms around and he took a step back from me growling. 

“I hate you,” he said with malice. “God. First, you get my best friend kicked out of our house permanently and make him hate me all senior year And th—-”

“You’ll never let the Zane thing go, will you? Maybe you should go ask your best buddy what he was really doing at 3 am when he got caught! Huh! You ever think of that? You always assume the worst about me. Well -fuck him and fuck you for being his friend. I’ll call Kaycee this time and I’ll call her for the rest of the year. I don’t need my brother breathing down my back every five GODDAM seconds!” I screamed until I was blue in the face making my throat raw with my next hard swallow. But he deserved it. He deserved every word I said. 

His face went as red as a tomato as if he were about to burst into a billion pieces. I wished he would. He stormed away toward the frat house stomping again. I won! For now---at least. He was probably headed back in to drink some more tequila to forget about my words. Just what he needed. More fuel for his raging fire to hate me. I’d probably get an angry, drunk text later with more derogatory names hurling my way.

But whatever. Now I had to do some damage control. 

I took several big breaths of air and leaned my elbows onto the bridge in front of me. Watching the small, clear stream bubbling over the sharp rocks below. It went straight through the middle of campus, kids always threw in pennies and other coins for wishes. I secretly wished I had a penny in my pocket to throw in and wish him out of existence. Why couldn’t I have been an only child? Life would have been so much better. Maybe my parents would have doted on me more instead of him. 

I took out my phone, dread building in the pit my stomach. I hated crawling on my hands and knees begging for help, especially to my 16-year-old sister. But I had to do it. She’s the only human smart enough to dig me out of my grave and get my literal ass cheeks off the internet. Whatever my mom ate when Kaycee was cooking must have been good. Because my dear sister was a smart-mouthed, smarty-pants, packed into a tiny body. So, I fought with one sibling tonight. Why not make it another? At least Kaycee would be a little more sympathetic and less judgy than Mr. I-gotta-stick-up-my-ass. She should have been my twin, I swear.

Here goes nothing. 

“It’s 3 am and you’re calling. What did you do this time?” She grumbled into the phone, the sound of her fingers hitting the keys of her computer sounded in the background. 

“Can’t I call my little sister to see how she’s doing without an agenda?” I asked innocently rubbing my hand along my forehead. I began making the short walk back to my apartment, letting the warmth of the night air wisp past me. 

“The last time you called me to see how I was doing you, in fact, had an agenda. So I ask again, what did you do?” She sounded exhausted still pounding away into the keyboard. 

“You and your accusations. I’m such an innoc---“ I acted appalled, holding a hand over my heart. 

“What was it this time--ope nope, I see it, Cals. Uh--God. There’s your disgusting ass on the internet. And boom--it’s locked down.” She said with satisfaction, seeming pleased with herself. 

Sex and Radio (Book 2)Completed|| Where stories live. Discover now