Dog-thing? Trouble!

Start from the beginning


Finally, you walked out of the school looking around, it was dark out already. "Luckily i told auntie i'd be home late." you stated before looking at the duffle in your hand and smiling. "I never said how late.." with that said you ran over to your motorbike placing your school stuff in the back. You ran over to a bathroom changing into your Casey jones clothes. "Oh yeah" you smiled and ran back to your bike strapping fireworks onto the side and wiring a button to the handle of your bike. "One click and bomb" you giggled lightly tapping the mask on your face. "I think that should do, maybe I'll add a grease trap in the back so others will have a hard time following me." you mumbled before sitting down on your bike. "Am i an anti hero? I mean i'm about to go fight some lesser thugs, but i also protect the purple dragons- and they're pretty evil.. Oh well! It's kinda cool." you chuckled and kicked up your kick-stand driving out of the parking lot. The red light you were currently waiting in front of, felt like it was never going to turn green. You were about ready to run this red light, when a crash came from a nearby alley way. You smiled, the green light hitting your face as you drove into the alleyway. You kicked your kick-stand down and got off your bike. You pulled your lacrosse stick out of the bag on your back. You spoke out into the shadows "alright, come on out" you twirled your stick in your hand and watched as something started to peer out from the shadows. You looked down at it and gushed "awww!" you crouched down so you looked less intimidating. "C'mere little guy, i'm not gonna hurt you" you cooed as the weird alien-dog thing walked over to you. The dog-thing was mainly yellow with blue on the tip of its tail and ears. "Where's your mama little guy?" you reached your hand out to it slowly, so you wouldn't scare it away. The dog-thing actually learned into your touch! That must mean it's not erm homeless if you will. You looked around for a collar that might be nearby, since there wasn't one on its neck. "Well, can you show me the way back to your home so i can tell your owner to shut the door?" you smiled, but it soon went away as the creature just sat here are adorable like. "Alright plan b" you gently picked them up and placed the creature on your shoulder. "You most likely already have a name, but since I don't know it lets go wiiiith uhh" you pondered for a moment sitting down on your bike. You kicked the kick-sand up "i know how about-!" you were cut off by glass breaking above you. You turned your head upwards and watched as two guys ran down the fire-escape with two bags over their shoulders. You smiled and kicked your kick-stand back down. You placed the dog on your bike "watch this" you giggled towards the dog and pulled a lacrosse ball out from your bag. You placed it in your stick and threw it as hard as you could. The ball hit him and it actually made the guy fall over! You cheered and ran over to the other one hitting him in the back of the head. The male you hit earlier jumped up and tried to hit you from behind. You ironically slipped on a banana peel, and the guy tumbled over you hitting his friend out cold! You chuckled lightly, which was interrupted by the guy trying to punch you again. You rolled away and jumped up kicking him behind the knees. He stumbled then fell over hitting his head on a trashcan. He was out cold. "Well well well! Cool aint i?" you hummed tying the two up. You wrote a note and placed the bags next to them. Soon enough you heard police sirens. "That's my que! It's been fun!" you ran over to your bike picking up the dog. You sat down the dog in the back container. You kicked up your kick-stand and just like that you drove off.

"So little guy, mind telling me where you live now?" you yelled so he could hear you over the wind. Once you confirmed you hadn't received a reply you just continued to drive. You were about to ask again when a truck made a sharp right, right in front of you. "HOLY FU-" you were cut off by the truck honking. You grabbed onto the dog and leaned down your bike to the side. It was so close to tipping over, but you pulled it back up before it could. You pulled off next to a construction sight so you could catch your breath. "H-holy shit that just happened." you mumbled looking down at the dog in your arms. "Are you ok?" you hummed leaning back slightly. You used your arms as support, since your bike didn't have anything for you to lean on. The dog didn't seem scared so you took it as they're ok. "Geez this is getting ridiculous-" you were cut off ONCE AGAIN by a crash. You looked behind you to see what it was. It was a metal building support beam. "Fan-fucking-tastic" you growled kicking up your kick-stand as you started to drive away from the falling support beams. "You're nothing but trouble!" you screamed trying to dodge the beams best you could. "Oh! I'm going to call you trouble!" you nodded in a provel. "Don't worry trouble, We're almost out of here!" as soon as you said this a support beam fell right in front of you "of course" you said, but before you could crash into the beam, a blue light started glowing from trouble. You felt warm, and the light was becoming so bright that you couldn't see anything anymore. The light was gone as soon as it had appeared, and so was the beam. You looked around, not only had the beam disappeared, but also the construction sight. You kicked your kick-stand down and stood up from your bike. "Where are we?" you looked around, it was an alleyway, but which one? "You walked out from the alleyway and looked up for a street sign. "Turtle street?" you mumbled, you were about to say something else, when something hit you from the back of the head.
You were out cold.

That mini a/n i mentioned;
Basically you and weren't ever actually dating, he was just dating you so you'd want to stay in the purple dragons long enough for them to get all of the information they needed on you for blackmail so you wouldn't leave.

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