The Rise to Glory

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I slowly started to fight more and more. It was becoming easy to find that thing inside me that I could tweak to win a match. I won again and again, and my master Flavius Meridius starts to pay a little attention to me and, more importantly, his beautiful daughter does too. I first noticed her at my second fight:   *Flashback*   I looked up into the stands and there was the prettiest girl I had ever seen, I nearly dropped my trident, that's how pretty she was.

When she smiled, I saw the whitest teeth and rosiest lips ever, set into a slightly tanned face with long blonde hair. The secutore suddenly lunged at me in my moment of weakness, and I received a small cut on my arm. Suddenly, I was forced back into the fight by a series of slashes and jabs. I went on to defeat him, and four more opponents after that. *End of Flashback*

I was resting after my sixth victory, when I got a surprise:"Gladiator!" I jumped of my bed and saluted as Flavius Meridius walked in the door, "I need a bodyguard for my daughter, and I think you would be the perfect man for the job. She gets lonely sometimes, and needs someone her age to talk to."

"Your wish is my command!" I said joyfully. He thanks me, and walks out. A few minutes later his daughter walks in, and sits next to me on my bed. At first, it is awkward between us, but I manage eventually to start a conversation with her. Eventually, she asks the question I have been trying to avoid, "How did you become a gladiator?" Why, WHY, WHY did she have to ask that?


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