Chapter 1:The Reckoning

Start from the beginning

"No, I...I just kind of want to see her myself, you know? I mean, I never got to say good-bye to her"Matt reveals.

Cass feels great sympathy for Matt.

"I miss Orion everyday"Cass reveals.

Cass lost her twin brother Orion and her mom to a car accident on her seventh birthday.

In they 11 years since her dad had moved on and got with someone new and gifted Cass with three new half brothers.

Cass still misses her mom and brother everyday.

The tension in the room is thick and Matt exhales.

"Do you realize that just last summer, you and I were lifeguards at the pool? And the only two problems I had in my life were that Elena was breaking up with me and I sucked at CPR"Matt tells Bonnie.

"Yeah and I spent my summer in North Carolina helping out in my uncle's garage"Cass continues.

"Everything was so different"The witch tells them.

"Yeah. Now Elena's dating a vampire, you're a witch, my sister's a ghost, and...I'm...I'm just a guy who's wondering how life got so screwed up"Matt says.

"Don't forget Caroline's now a vampire and Ty's a werewolf"Cass adds on.

"It's crazy, Matt. Cass. I...I can't imagine what it must be like for you two"Bonnie tells the two humans.

"It sucks but we deal"Cass tells her.

"It just, uh, kind of explains why I'm not that into senior prank night. I'll go grab a couple more rolls. Then we'll hit the gym"Matt continues on.

Matt comes back and the trio head towards the gym but Cass stops just before the door.

"Cass?"Matt ask's.

Cass feels a shiver go down her spine, their is something deep inside telling her not to go in.

"I feel kinda weird, their's something telling me not to go in"Cass reveals.

"It's just your brain playing games with you"Matt tells her and trio head in.

Cass's feeling is proven true when Klaus Mikaelson vamp-speeds in front of the trio.

"Ah, I was wondering when you'd show up. Now we can get started"Klaus tells Bonnie.

Klaus turns around and compels two of their classmates.

"I assume you're the reason Elena's still walking around alive?"Klaus ask's the teenage witch.

"That's right. If you want to blame someone, blame me"Bonnie replies confidently.

"Oh, there's no need for blame, love. Just your witchy interference seems to have caused some undesirable side effects. And since you caused the problem, I'm going to have you find the fix"Klaus reveals.

Cass is momentarily confused before a blonde woman comes in holding Tyler.

"Ty!"Cass shouts.

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