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Tina followed San, constantly wanting to go back to the cat café, already missing the cats. But he was holding her wrist, she blushed again and tried to pull it out but he didn't let go, nor did he seem bothered that this was going on. He definitely knew but he never let go. She gave up and let him drag her. Until he slid his hand down her wrist and into hers. she gasped quietly and her face turned redder than a tomato. However, she didn't try to pull away to avoid the awkward atmosphere.

When they got back, he let go of her hand and walked over to get something before pulling her back out.

"Where are we going now?"

"Lunch." he answered.

"Where are we going for lunch?"

"The restaurant down the road."

"All right,"

They walked into the restaurant and were met by the last person she wanted to see, Lina.

She hadn't noticed them yet but it was only a matter of time before she did. Tina looked at San.

"Can we go to a different restaurant?" she asked.

"But I love the food here. We'll go to one of the private booths or something." he answered back.

She sighed, "Fine, but don't attract attention."

He nodded. And her plan completely failed.

San and Tina were regular customers and he had become friends with the person who took the orders, his name was Wooyoung. And he was loud. As soon as he saw them approaching him he cried out loud.

"San! Tina! You guys are here again!" he shouted.

She winced, still not used to his loud voice and San shushed him. But it was too late, Lina's head had snapped towards them and was giving Tina the deadliest stare she'd ever received. It was actually scary.

"...San...? About that private booth...?" she croaked.

San looked over and her face suddenly stretched into the sweetest smile ever. That was scarier.

"Um yeah sure, Wooyoung, the private room thingy." he said turning back to Wooyoung.

Wooyoung nodded and rushed over for a few seconds before returning, "You have booth 8. I'll come over and take your orders afterwards." he beamed.

They nodded and said thank you before walking over and looking for the booth.

"San," Tina started, "What if she starts the rumours again?"

"Don't worry about that, I'll make sure she doesn't."

They got to the small room and took their seats, waiting for their food.

"One of my friends are throwing a party," San said.

"Nope. The last two parties we went to resulted in this we can't afford to go to anymore."

"But I promised I'd be there,"

"Then go, but I'm not going,"

"But he wants to see you."

"So? I've been personally invited to parties before" she pointed out.

"And you always went." he answered. "Please?"

"Why do you want me to go to this party so bad?"

He sighed, "We need to be out the house. And the excuse I told him was a party but if one of us aren't there he'll know and then I'll be in trouble you'll probably be sent back home and-"

"Fine, I'll go. No way I'm going back to that dump with those idiots ever again." she groaned and put her head in her hands, covering her face. "But something's gonna happen I know it." she mumbled.

After eating they went back home and sat on the couch. San felt extremely guilty for making Tina go to the party with him but she had to. When his dad's brother came he wanted the house empty. Or he'd get his dad in big trouble.

Tina was sulking all day too. Not very helpful, it only made him feel worse. But she didn't stop, as I making it apparent that he was the cause of her despair.

The next week went by smoothly until the fateful day arrived.

"San, I'm not wearing anything special." she shouted from his room.

"Fine by me, that's what you're supposed to do." he shouted back.

She sighed and grabbed a plain black hoodie, slipping it on before walking downstairs.

"You got everything." he asked, wearing the hoodie she bought.

She nodded.

They went to the car and got in.

Upon arrival, he took her to see the said friend.

Tina was dragged all over the place by San until she spotted something. A cat. 3 of them. She pulled herself out of San's grip and ran over. Until she felt a presence behind her,

"San, aren't they adorable!" she asked, standing up and holding the small grey one.

"They are adorable, I'm pretty proud of them myself." a voice that was totally not San answered.

She looked up and saw a man with chocolate brown eyes and fluffy black hair.

"You must be Tina." he said.

"And you are...?"

"Oh do forgive me, I'm Minho."

Just then San popped up, "Oh hey there Tina meet Minho and Minho meet Tina."

She groaned, "I wanna go back already,"

She put the cat down next to the others and turned back.

"Why did you want me to come so badly?" she asked Minho.

"Because I need to speak to you."

"About what?"

"About him, if you're gonna end up together one day I need to warn you."

"No!" she shouted, "No, no, no! San, take me back, take me anywhere. Or I'll go myself."

"Calm down Tina." he said, "He's joking. He didn't want you here, I said that to get you to come."

She clenched her jaw but remained beside the two boys as they chatted to each other.

(A/N) Last one for today, I also tried to make up for yesterday uwu


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