Chapter two: Curse

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"Sleepy head... wake up," Josh's sweet voice sang in my ear.

"No!" I murmured like a child and pouted into my pillow. Josh's hand was on my ribs then went down to my stomach, making butterflies go through me. "Josh, it won't work. Stop it!" I murmured again and his hands moved to my face and stroked my hair, instantly making me turn over to him. My eyes connected with him and he crashed his lips down to mine making fireworks spread though me. I got to my knees and so did he near the edge of the bed. I placed my hands on his chest, leaning all my weight onto him, and then his lips were gone and so was he, and I fell face first off of the bed. 

"Josh!" I whined and glanced up to see him bent over with laughter.

"Your reaction time is so slow when you're tired and hungry!" He said between chuckles. I groaned and got up sleepily, my eyesight was blurry and my head pounded, my legs buckled underneath me and I started to fall, then I was in Josh's arms.

"Woah, are you okay?" He asked and his face was a blur, this was waaay worse than a hangover!

"Danielle, look at me!" He shouted as my eyes blurred even more.

"Danielle!" Josh yelled, panicked. He set me down on the bed and several blurred figures rushed in the room. I heard babbled voices then succumbed into darkness.


"She's waking up don't worry," Louis' voice sounded in my ears and I groaned. I opened my eyes to several worried faces.

"Danielle when did you last drink?" Josh asked and I noticed his arms were around me.

"Yesterday morning but I didn't drink the whole glass, maybe that's why?" I murmured and Josh shook his head.

"It can't be, these are the effects after having numerous weeks without blood, I don't understand!" Josh groaned and his his face in my hair.

I saw Ruby enter with a old, crumpling book in her hands, she had a worried look in her eyes.

"I think I know what it is..."


Alexis POV:

I glanced out the window, looking down on the back garden. Sophia and Ryan were casually chatting to a very pretty girl and an equally as handsome guy. Something I can't do.

I'm meant to do the same thing, to court. But I can't. I just can't.

No adequate guy suits me, I just can't feel the strong connection I'm meant to.

Not that it matters... I never wanted a husband or have kids. I just want to be me, forever.

Oblivious to me, tears fell down my cheeks, making loud tapping sounds as they fell to the wooden floor


Alexis POV:

I glanced out the window, looking down on the back garden. Sophia and Ryan were casually chatting to a very pretty girl and an equally as handsome guy. Something I can't do.

I'm meant to do the same thing, to court. But I can't. I just can't.

No adequate guy suits me, I just can't feel the strong connection I'm meant to.

Not that it matters... I never wanted a husband or have kids. I just want to be me, forever.

Oblivious to me, tears fell down my cheeks, making loud tapping sounds as they fell to the wooden floor. Now this... this made me very angry.

I picked up the nearest thing I could find which was a stone from our trip to the beach and I crushed it between my hands, it dissolved into dust.

I hated it.

The super sonic hearing

The blood

The unbearable pain

I just wanted to be me.

And no one would allow me to be that.

My stupid hearing drew me away from my thoughts, I could hear panicked voices. I casually walked to my parents room, not wanted to walk at the stupid vampire lightning speed. I opened the door and my mum was being cradled by my dad, she looked pale and sick.

"What's up?" I asked, fake worry in my voice. 

"Alexis, go get your siblings, tell their mates to come inside at once aswell!" Dad barked at me, I winced at his harsh tone and my name.

"It's Alex!" I half yelled back.

"Alexis it's an emergency!" He boomed and I went off running down stairs at human speed. I came across Shadow in the halls. 

"Hey, Shad! Gimme a ride!" I yelled and climbed on her back, she ran at high speed and finally we reached the garden. I dismounted and ran over to Sophia and Ryan and their mates Jason and Kalia. 

"Guys we have to go in, mum's sick and dad orders everyone in, even you two," I said to Jason and Kalia and they all followed me inside. Shadow stayed out with her eyes intent on something.

"Shadow, come on, it's fine!" I reassured her but she kept her fixed gaze on the woods. "Suit yourself!" I said and continued in with the others.

We got to mum's room and now she was throwing up, violently.

"What's wrong with her?" Sophia shouted and rushed over to mum's side. I rolled my eyes, typical Sophia, being the angellic one.

Dad straightened up and his eyes wen't dull, as if he wasn't there; or part of him wasn't.

"Your mother... She's been cursed."

A/N: Sorry this is so short but I had such a writers block its unbelievable and Wattpad wouldn't let me edit for about a month! So sorry for a horrible chapter, it will get better I promise!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2012 ⏰

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