Chapter one: Young Blood Programme

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"MUM!" Alexis yelled, waking me from my slumber, I opened my eyes to see Josh waking up next to me, he had no top on, so the clear dents of his muscles were visible. A very  good sight to wake up to. He turned and his eyes locked on mine like they always do and he smiled. 

"Good morning," He said with a sleepy tone to his voice, Alexis burst through the door, red faced.

"Pleeease do not tell me that I actually have to ride a.... pony!" She wailed, jumping on the bed, Louis came to the door.

"I tried to tell her gently!" He said and rolled his eyes, Josh sat up and placed Alexis on his lap.

"Alexis, you are a Princess, you need to learn how to ride a horse for various ceremonies held in honour of you ancestors. You are going to be thirteen in a couple of days and you and your siblings need to know this; this is the time where you body ages like a human, only a little bit faster and you need to face your responsibilities as being part of the Young Blood programme!" Josh told our twelve year old daughter who thankfully had stopped growing at an alarming rate.

"But ponies are for little girls! I'm a tomboy!" She wailed making us chuckle. That she is, ever since day one she's been interested in joining her brother, Ryan, with his fencing, archery and combat lessons rather than her etiquette lessons with Sophia. Unfortunately for her she can't be a tomboy unless she rejects the crown which she can't do until she's eighteen. I glanced to the side to see a welcoming glass upon it.

I started to pick up the glass of blood on my bedside table and took a big sip, my throat was parched.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, your Mum will be doing it with you!" Josh said and I spat out the blood.



"Your majesty, keep your heels down!" John yelled gently across the riding school as my horse trotted round gracefully. I huffed and forced the weight into my heels.

"I am trying John!" I yelled back, gritting my teeth together even more.

"Try any harder and your teeth will fall out," he muttered under his breath and I gathered the reins in one hand and raised my middle finger at him. Alexis laughed and Sophia gasped.

"Mother's being rude again!" Sophia exclaimed, rolling her eyes and raising her head so her nose stuck up in the air. 

A true princess to be.

"Don't you all look... royal like," Josh laughed from the arena fence. I growled and pouted.

"It's hard!" Alexis whined, taking the words right out of my mouth.

"You are just like your mother," He chuckled and Alexis pouted even more. She sighed and kicked the horse, making it whinny and rear then gallop full speed towards the fence. In an instant it flung itself over it, leaving Alexis behind. I kicked my horse, maybe a bit too hard, and flung myself over the fence as well managing to catch her before she hit the ground. I looked back towards the arena. John, Josh, Sophia and Ryan's face were pictures. Their mouths hung open in shock and their eyes were wide with amazement.

I shifted Alexis in front of me and trotted over to Josh. I placed a cool hand on his smooth chin.

"Close your mouth, Darlin'. You'll catch flies." I smirked 


"That was quite a show," Josh chuckled, sitting down next to me on the bed.

"Wow-ing people is my specialty!" I laughed back and he took my face in his smooth hands. We fit like a jigsaw puzzle, it proves that we were always meant to be, being with him makes me forget everything about my past life; he makes me feel refreshed. He glanced at my lips and I bit it gently, he whined.

Young Blood (A Blood Slaves sequel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz