"But will Chat and Ladybug ever get married?" Marinette had to laugh at the way Adrien always insisted on viewing their superhero personas as different people.

"Tell you what," she said wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him tight "After the wedding we can wait a few months and then announce we had quietly gotten married, deal?" Adrien's face broke into a Cheshire Cat grin going from ear to ear.

"Sounds Purrrfect." Marinette groaned and rolled her eyes.

"You've been wanting to say that all night haven't you." Adrien's grin became a lot more cheeky as he ran his hand through her hair.

"Don't you know it Princess." No sooner had their lips connected when a scream came from the lounge.

"Gabriel!" It was Nathalie's voice raised in panic. The couple ran back around into the other room to find Gabriel unconscious on the floor. Tom had already sprung into action calling an ambulance as his wife rolled Gabriel onto his side. Marinette and Adrien quickly held onto Nathalie who was breaking down into a panic. Adrien had never seen her like that before, like she was about to lose her whole world. Marinette looked across Nathalie at her partner, her heart breaking at the fear in his eyes.

Adrien and Marinette sat with Nathalie in the waiting area of the hospital. It felt like deja vu from that night of the charity auction all over again when Gabriel had the first heart attack. Sitting between Nathalie and Marinette, Adrien held both their hands as they silently gave each other support. A heavy feeling hung in the air this time though. Adrien didn't want to admit it, but he felt that things would not be good this time. He hesitated to verbalise his thoughts though, saying it out loud would make it too real. Instead he leant his head on top of Marinette's as she wiped a tear from her cheek. He decided he needed to stay the strong one for now, for Marinette and Nathalie.

Eventually a doctor came out to speak to them. The gravity of his face told them the story before he had even opened his mouth. "He is conscience enough that you can talk to him." The doctor stated in a matter of fact way, but his tone changed to something more empathetic. "You may go in and see him now, but be prepared, it may not be for very long." Nathalie desperately tried to stifle a sob. She didn't want Gabriel to see her like this. She knew more than any of them that this day would come, but she still was not ready for it. Staying hand in hand, the trio headed into the private room where Gabriel was. He was pale, laid out on the bed. Only a soft light had been left on, making the room feel a little less clinical. As Gabriel opened his eyes his gaze fell onto them. Adrien rushed in and threw his arms around his father. He didn't want to cry, but it was becoming harder to hold it in.

Gabriel patted Adrien's head as the young man clung onto him. "I'm so proud of you son." His voice was low and raspy. He wanted to tell him he knew about him and Marinette being Ladybug and Chat Noir, tell him he was proud of the hero he had become, his regrets at what he had tried to do, but he stood by his decision to not go there. When the announcement had been made publicly that Hawk Moth was no more, the joy and elation on their faces and those of their fellow Parisians confirmed to him he had done the right thing in keeping his secret. Even more so when Adrien had said he couldn't imagine how anyone could recover from their relative being such an evil man. Gabriel never wanted Adrien to think of him that way, even in death.

With weak arms he encouraged Adrien to sit up on the edge of the bed and face him. Marinette stood beside her fiancé holding his arm as Nathalie sat on the opposite side of the bed holding Gabriel's other hand. "I am proud of the man you have become. Proud of everything you have achieved and proud of the woman you have by your side because nothing is more important than the love you have for one another. I wish I had learned that sooner, and I am sorry I failed you for so long. Can you ever forgive me?

"There is nothing to forgive Father." Adrien held his father's hand squeezing it to reaffirm his words. "We both dealt with things in our own way. Whether it was right or wrong isn't the point now. What mattered is that we made a change, you changed. These last few months I saw once again the man I remembered as a child. I had my father back." He no longer tried to hold back the tears, Marinette wrapping her arm in comfort around his shoulders. "I will treasure those memories forever."

Gabriel closed his eyes and sighed. Adrien's words comforted him that he had done what he set out to achieve. That this would be his legacy. He may have had his failings, he made the wrong choices but he tried to fix those mistakes. He had mended the bridge with his son and that was more important to him than anything else. He then moved his gaze to Nathalie. Her eyes wet and glistening. He reached up to gently touched her face. "Look after her Adrien, she deserved so much more than I gave her." Nathlie grabbed his hand in both of hers, kissing it has her tears ran over their knuckles. "Nathalie...I..."

"Don't say it Gabriel." She cut in before he could say anymore, smiling through her tears. "I already know."

"Marinette." Gabriel's voice was becoming weaker. Marinette moved closer, taking his other hand. "You were a ray of sunshine that came into our lives. I wish I could have seen you walk down the aisle." His breathing became more laboured. Marinette wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Look after my son."

"I will." She choked out through sobs. "I'll love him all my life."

Gabriel smiled weakly, his eyes closed. Adrien, Marinette and Nathalie stayed silent, the only sound in the room was the methodical beeping of the monitor. A single tear streaked down Gabriel's face. "I'm coming home Emilie." He whispered. "I'm coming home." With one final shaking breath, he was gone.

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