Chapter 6 - The Aftermath

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Sonja met a Marine on one of her missions who eventually became her husband and young Christopher's stepfather. Sonja knew he was the right man one day when they were at CJ's ball game. "I bet your dad would be proud of you if he could see you play" Jamal said to Chris after he had hit a home run in the game.

"Yeah I guess so" CJ responded.

Jamal Williamson was never intimidated in his role as stepfather. He had lost several friends and subordinates in Afghanistan and Iraq and the military knew all about duty and honor. Jamal made sure that they attended memorial services for fallen officers and kept Christopher's father's flag in a special place in the living room with his certificates of service for all of their visitors to see.

Sonja Percy longed to be loved by a man who could respect her for her service to her Country. Both she and her auntie were often dismissed because they chose careers dominated by men. Sonja had found that acceptance by Duane Pride as a professional and in Christopher LaSalle as a woman. She was very surprised to receive a phone call from Raymond Isler. "Let's do lunch one day next week" he suggested.

"So how are you Sundance" he inquired? He looked into her face knowing that hearing that name would most likely evoke some type of response. Then he felt bad as he saw the tears welled up in her eyes. It was the look on her face though that brought him the most remorse. He was glad that he had checked out the restaurant ahead of time and found a booth in the back corner. He moved over to Percy's side of table and soon had her sobbing in his arms. "You saved my life twice in one day Sonja. I owe you" he softly told her.

Two hours later Isler had gleaned from her what had happened the past few years. The fake smile that he had encountered during previous meetings since LaSalle's death was gone. There was a point in the conversation where Jamal Williamson's name came up. "I know him Sonja. We were on a mission once. Do you know his story? He will never disclose to you how his platoon came under fire in Afghanistan. He lost fifteen Marines in that operation. He has endured a lot of pain as he has served this country. Quite frankly his bullheadedness reminds me of a former NCIS agent that I worked with on a couple of cases" as a smile cracked his face. "You could do worse Percy. He's a fine man. I would take a serious look before I passed on him.

Sonja left the interaction with a different outlook. It was like it took this encounter with Isler who had a different insight on both Sonja and Chris to free her. He owed both of them his life. He knew that Christopher would have wanted to her to be happy and that she was at the point in her life where she needed to live and flourish.

Sonja took Isler's suggestion and became more determined to find out just who Jamal Williamson was. She was surprised when he asked her and CJ to join him at his family's Thanksgiving dinner. CJ was more than happy to be in the company of so many young people his own age. And while he wasn't the biggest kid out on the lawn that day, he thoroughly enjoyed being surrounded by the men and teens playing touch football.

Christmas Eve Jamal popped the question. He explained in the quiet of her living room that he needed to make plans for the rest of his life. He knew that he would have to take one more combat tour in a command position for his next promotion. He would be attending Command and Staff College starting in February. At the end of the ten month school he would receive new orders.

In the end fate was good to the Major. During his last week at C & S, he was summoned to the Commandant's office. Major Williamson, we had assigned a Marine to start next January as the OIC of the Speakers Bureau. Unfortunately, we lost him two days ago in an engagement.   Your orders will be cut tomorrow for a two year assignment here at the academy beginning with the January term. I have spoken with the Chief of Naval Operations and we are going to you give time directly with Cadets as well for this assignment which will make you eligible for the next round of consideration to O-5 at the successful conclusion of your time at the Academy. Congratulations Marine! Jamal was stunned. Not only would he not be returning to combat, he was being assigned to the Naval Academy as a ROTC graduate which rarely happened.

Sonja married Jamal in a wonderfully traditional Navy wedding at the Annapolis campus. It was like a storybook. She was happy that her friends from her time at New Orleans were able to attend. However she was distracted for a moment when she looked down at her son standing by his soon to be step father and saw him flash her that classic LaSalle smile. She saw CJ smile again as they cut the cake.

Sonja cornered Tammy at the reception out of sight of everyone else. "Here Tammy. Promise me that you will take this and put it on Christopher's grave" as she handed her her sole flower she carried during the ceremony. Tammy looked at her with questionable eyes. "I know you don't understand Tammy but go back and take a good look at my son out there. Notice whose smile is on his face. You and Auntie are the only two people I could ever tell that I will never love any man more than I did Christopher LaSalle. Just do this for me please."

Sonja returned to the reception where no one would ever see the duality that was in her heart that day. Isler hugged her and told her "You're doing good girl. Just let go of the rest of that pain today."

Sonja had taken Isler's words at heart months before. She knew that Jamal Williamson was a good man. She did love him and she appreciated how much he loved her son. He became the father that CJ deserved. Years later they would watch CJ walk across the stage Summa cum laude and a few months later take him to the airport to fly to England to attend Cambridge University.

Time continued to pass by as CJ completed law school and joined an 'old family' firm in Alabama. Miss Rose had remained true to her word and introduced her grandson to the 'monied' people in Alabama. CJ's life was laid out for him among the elite of Alabama. In time he became one of the best know defense attorneys in the state.

Sonja watched him with pride in an interview one day when he was asked about where the passion for his job came from. "Well" he said "I had a fine example by my war hero second father. I followed in the business of my mother to protect people. My birth father died before I was born but I was surrounded by my family and his friends who always let me know what a fine man and great citizen that my father was. I have met three individuals whose lives he personally saved. I have been blest.

Tears came to her eyes as she saw that classic LaSalle smile before her once again this time on the face of her son. She was truly happy and so proud of her son and the life she lived. But in that moment in time she too could only wonder about "what might have been".

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