Chapter 2 - The Airplane Ride

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"Thank you Sergeant" Chris says as they are waved through the gate.

"Would you call me and let me know when you land in D.C.?"

"Sure Chris".

Sonja stretched her neck to find the C-17 that she would be boarding. She knew she was lucky to have gotten a sling but she was actually tired and wasn't sure how long her boney butt would last while swaying back and forth. "Oh, shit Chris. The plane is not here!"

Now at the hanger, Chris opens the back door to retrieved Sonja's suit case. She goes in to hug him and then felt him starting to release his grip on her. "Wait Sonja, this isn't right. We did this dance once before." At that he leans in to kiss her then pulls her close to his chest. Slowly Sonja's arms find their way around his neck. They stood there for a while with their arms around each other until they heard her name on the P.A. system.

"Thanks Agent Percy for moving your departure time back an hour" the Purser stated. We are transporting a patient to Bethesda and have four sets left on that C 21 setting out there. They must have outfitted it for a flag officer because it looks just like the Lear that I flew in when I worked at JFK. You must have angel looking out for you."

About fifteen minutes passed by before the ambulance carrying the patient arrived. There was a pregnant pause in the conversation between the two of them while they waited. Sonja was still trying to process that kiss that Chris had planted on her as well as her response to it while LaSalle was trying to figure out if he had gone too far.

Suddenly her phone dinged again. "Oh crap can you believe this? My departure time out of D. C. has been pushed back for twenty four hours. I could have stayed here another night." They sat for a little while longer then heard Sonja's name again.

"Say aren't you Agent LaSalle from NCIS" a Marine asked him as they approached the check in desk?


"Hey, we have to turn around and come back tomorrow at 1000 with a fresh crew. I'm on a training run right now and will back on the aircraft as well. If you're game, you are more than welcomed to snag a seat round trip."

LaSalle wasn't sure how he could contain his classic smile. "Sure, hey let me go to my truck real quick and grab my 'go bag'". He quickly texted King that he would be in at about 1300. He figured that they'd let him get away with so much the past few days that he would just push the envelope.

The aircraft picked up a good head wind and arrived early. They took a car service back to Sonja's condo.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that Christopher" Sonja asked him as they entered the condo and stowed their weapons?

"Well, I was kind of hoping that we could pick up where we left off."


"Well, the last time we were this close alone, you had your arms around my neck and I wanted to kiss yours."

"How do you remember that?"

"Oh I remember that well and remember what else might I have wanted to do with you then. So is that a yes or a no?"

"What do you think" Percy responded as she resumed that previous position?

Back at the airfield later that morning Sonja moved so close to LaSalle that a feather could not have penetrated the space. Finally they called his name.

"Goodbye City Mouse. Keep your head down" he said as he kissed her lightly on the lips.

"Goodbye Christopher, I'll be thinking of you."

LaSalle was not sure that he would not leek tears at this moment. Sonja held on until she fastened her seat belt and was no longer able to control her emotions as she sat in her jeep quietly weeping. Why now she thought? Why did it take this awful situation to make him realize that he could care for her? As much as she loved her job, she was distressed that she had to leave her dearest friend at this terrible time in his life.

Neither Christopher nor Sonja were privy to the conversation that had taken place a few days before.

"He needs to cry Pride".

"We're all here for him Tammy. He can cry with us. He and Loretta have gotten real close these past few days."

"He needs a woman".

"Well, that's not viable. He hasn't seen any one regularly since Savannah".

"You're wrong Pride. There is another woman."

"Just who would that be and how would you know?"

"Her name is Sonja Percy".


"You were too busy being his boss and his mentor to realize what was happening between the two of them. I know that she fell in love with him. I'm pretty sure that he had strong feelings for her as well but put the brakes on".

"But she's in D.C. Tammy".

"Let me take care of that, okay?"

Three hours later.

"Okay Pride my part is done, now it's up to you. Sonja will land about 1:30 on Friday. I'll set up the meeting between the two of them. She can only be here for two days. I got her a hop out of Belle Chasse late Sunday night. You do the rest".

Pride shakes his head "I can't believe you did this in three hours! And I can't believe that she agreed to come. Let me go to work."

I remember in Catholic school reading in the Bible that 'love never fails' Pride. Sonja loves Chris. While the romantic love might not be in the forefront for her after all these months, she would do anything for any of us because she loves her friends.

I Corinthians 13:4-8a

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