LATER THAT NIGHT, a couple entered the Grill while the wind whipped their hair around from outside.

Caroline, Rebekah, and Echo was at the bar with Matt behind it. Echo ignored Matt's looks and words as she snatched a bottle from behind the bar, and poured it into a glass.

Caroline looked out the door then back to the group. "Is it supposed to rain tonight?" 

"Do I look like a meteorologist?" Rebekah snarkily questioned which caused Echo to roll her eyes and throw back her drink.

Caroline gave the other blonde an exasperated look before glancing over at Elena, who was across the room throwing darts. "Well, someone needs to do something, before she explodes." The younger blonde commented in worry. 

Echo stood up with the bottle of bourbon she stole, at the same time as Rebekah stood with a bottle of liquor and a shot glass. They glared at one another before sighing and walking over to the brunette.

"Drink." Echo held out the bottle towards her sister, giving Rebekah a side-glare. "It will help."

Elena yanked the bottle from her sister and chugged a good amount of it down before pushing it back into Echo's hand.

"So, what's the deal? I'm new to this whole emotional switch situation." The Original said, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"It's not complicated. See that dart board? All I can picture is Katherine's face," the older twin informed her as she threw a dart forcefully and hit the bullseye. 

Rebekah nodded in understanding as she spoke, "So, your emotions are on, they're just dialed to rage." 

Elena sighed and looked over at her with a blank face. "Look, Rebekah. I get that we had our Thelma and Louise thing back when I had my humanity off, but let me make one thing clear: we're not friends." 

"Okay." The Original was unaffected by her words. 

Elena walked over to retrieve her darts when Caroline joined them with a hopeful expression. "What about us? Are we still friends? All those things you said when your humanity was off — is that how you really feel?" She asked hesitant of the answer. 

"Caroline, I really don't feel like going down memory lane," the brunette sighed and walked back to line up her next throw. 

"Well, what about when you said, and I quote, "You're a repulsive, bloodsucking control-freak monster"?" Caroline asked, remembering the time she spent with Elena in her cell. "Did you really mean those things?" 

Elena hesitated over her next throw, then gave it up and looked at her. "If you're waiting for an apology, you're not gonna get one. I can't let myself feel bad, because if I feel bad, then I feel everything, and...we've all seen how well I handle that." Just as she threw another dart, the lights went out throughout the restaurant. 

"Well damn," Echo mused and then chugged down some of the bourbon, because she somehow knew she wasn't going to be able to enjoy it for a while.

OUTSIDE, THE WIND was so strong it was blowing debris through the air and the sound of heavy objects falling and breaking were heard by the group nearby.

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