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no cocky shit, i know for a fact i leave my mark on people. i ain't easy to forget

ECHO ENTERED THE Grill, knowing fully well that it was closed, but she didn't care

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ECHO ENTERED THE Grill, knowing fully well that it was closed, but she didn't care. She wanted to grab some bourbon from the back to add more to Damon's stash. Plus, she wanted to celebrate with herself because of the fact that she had bought Damon his new tires and was planning on giving them to him tonight.

She saw Matt placing the chairs up on the tables, but she ignored and walked over to the bar, reached over, and grabbed a glass of whisky. She then poured it in a cup and turned around in time to see April walk into the Grill.

"Uh, hey, April," Matt said as he approached her. "We don't open until eleven."

"Oh, sorry, I wasn't like trying to scare you or stalk you or whatever," April said quickly with a small laugh. "I just – I came to ask if you've seen Rebekah." 

Echo chugged her drink and stood up from her seat with crossed arms. "What do you want with Rebekah?"

Matt held up his hand to Echo who glared at him. "Why would I have seen Rebekah?" He asked, confused.

She looked between them with wide eyes. "Oh, I just assumed..." She swallowed and furrowed her brows. "I mean, aren't you guys kind of like a thing?" 

Echo frowned in disgust. "I can't imagine anyone liking her annoying ass," she spat out as she poured some more bourbon in her glass.

April walked closer towards him, her blue eyes wide. "Well, I – I mean... I'm worried about her. She said she'd help me find stuff out about the fire that killed my dad and then she just – disappeared."

Suddenly, Jeremy was pushed into the room, and Echo quickly turned around to face her little brother with wide eyes. Followed behind him was Connor. Matt ran to be in front of April while Echo threw her glass at Connor who dodged it and pulled a knife to Jeremy's throat. She scowled but made her way over to Matt and April, standing in front of them protectively.

"Sit down," the hunter ordered as he glared at them, his hold tightening on Jeremy. "Sit down!" He shouted and walked forward.

April and Matt backed up and sat down with wide eyes, but Echo stayed standing with a scowl on her features. "You better let him go or i'll shove my shoe straight down your throat, then rip out your intestines and strangle you with it until you pass out!"

He simply stared at her with a weirded out expression, but she stood her ground until he shoved Jeremy down beside Matt and April. "Gilbert, give me your cell phone," he ordered, glaring at the youngest person in the room.

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