When his body fell to the floor, forehead bleeding, she suddenly realized what she did and quickly made a run out of the school. She ignored everyone shouting after her, jumped into her car, and peeled out of there.

She followed a dirt road path into the woods and slammed on her breaks, putting her car in park. "Fuck!" She screamed, "Shit!" She banged her palms on the steering wheel, screaming and crying loudly. "I hate this!"

She continued banging on the steering wheel until her hands were numb and she was just sobbing. "Jeremy, why did you have to go?" Her chest was physically hurting as if someone used her heart as a punching back. "I can't do this anymore. I'm so tired. So tired. I don't want to lose anyone else." She slammed her head backwards into the headrest, tears streaming down her cheeks, onto her chest, and onto the car seat. "It hurts so much! Please make it stop!"

Frustrated with crying, with feeling helpless, and full of anger, she got the urge to punch things, to kill things. So, she opened up her car door and got out.

There was only one solution to take her mind off of things; archery.

LATER ON WHEN night fell, Echo walked into the Salvatore Boarding home where Elena was throwing a party. She gazed around at all the kids and spotted her sister dancing on a table, bottle in her hand and laughing in joy.

When a girl was walking by her with a bottle of bourbon, Echo glared and took it from her. "Keep walking or your face will say hello to my fist." The girl had saw what Echo had done to the boy at school, so she let out a squeal of fear and scurried away. Echo smirked and started chugging the bottle.

She made her way through the crowd and sat on the couch in the parlor, watching as everyone else danced and had a good time.

Grumbling, she looked down at her hands which was bruised, bloody, and had calluses.

After her breakdown, she did some archery, but grew bored and angry real quick, so she resulted in punching a tree. When that became not that helpful, she started training; doing flips, running, even climbing trees. Though, nothing seemed to fill the void in her chest at the lost of her little brother.

"Screw everything," she grumbled to herself and chugged down the rest of the alcohol until her stomach hurt and throat burned.

Turning her face to the crowd; she smirked as teenagers were grinding against each other to the loud music that pounded throughout the house from the stereo's.

Sticking her leg out, she laughed loudly as a boy stumbles over it, spilling his drink all over himself. "Watch where you're going, asshole," she spat out and snorted unladylike before standing up and yanking a red solo cup from a passing person. She ignored their exclaim or protest, and just flicked them on the forehead before downing their drink. "Ugh!" She exclaimed in disgust when she realized it was vodka mixed with something else she couldn't tell.

"That sucked!" She shouted and tripped over something which had her laughing maniacally. She honestly looked like a cray person ready to murder, but she didn't care. "You suck!" She was laughing so loudly she caught the attention of Stefan and Caroline.

"What the hell is she doing?" Stefan asked, brows furrowed.

Caroline frowned at her best friend. "I have never seen her like this before."

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