They all glanced at each other before beginning to hike through the woods as the professor lead them.

After awhile, Shane pulled out his phone and held it up but it beeped as though it had no service. "Satellite phone lost its signal."

"Well, that's a good sign," Damon commented sarcastically with an eye roll as he walked behind Echo who was walking beside Elena.

"Is anyone else a little creeped out?" Elena asked the group in worry.

"So, then leave," Rebekah advised snarkily which made Echo whirl around with angry eyes, and a dagger at the blondes throat.

"You are literally not needed here, so how about you leave," she spat out angrily and removed the dagger from her neck slowly. "All you do is whine and complain. You were literally just saying how you hated bugs, and yet you are here. Do us all a favor and swim back home."

Rebekah hissed loudly which resulted in Echo punching her in the nose. And before she could retaliate and attack the huntress, Damon pushed the blonde into a tree with a smirk. "Don't touch my girlfriend, blondie."

Jack was smiling over at Elena who offered him a shy one in reply.

Rebekah growled at them, but didn't do anything else.

IT WAS HOURS later, and night fell quickly so they had to hike through the thick woods using flashlights.

Shane was walking ahead of them still, explaining the whole ordeal. "Centuries after Qetsiyah died, there were these miners who were excavating a well on the island. Suddenly went mad. They bled themselves dry."

Everyone didn't want to listen to him talk, but there wasn't much else to do, plus, they needed to know what they were going to walk into.

"No apparent reason. So, the legend spread that these miners, in exchange for a drop of their blood, saw visions of their lost loved ones in the well they were digging. The word traveled and explorers sought out the well to see if the legend was true," he informed them, barely out of breath from all the talking he just did.

"So, the well was magic?" Bonnie questioned, being the only person that was fully interested.

"Well, you know, some people believe the voices of lost souls were just a wind vortex whipping through the caves, and visions were caused by inhaling the island's poisonous plant life," he answered with a smile.

"And what do you believe?" Elena asked him with furrowed brows as she dug her hand into a bag of marshmallows, and stuffed a handful in her mouth. She then offered it to Echo and Jack who did the same thing.

"I believe in magic. My wife and my son died within months of each other," Shane told them sorrowfully. He got pitied and empathetic looks, but no one spoke up. "And so... I decided to try the well out for myself." He began to tell his story on how he found the well, "I offered up my blood and I waited."

"Yeah, got it. Don't eat the poisonous flowers," Damon commented with a sarcastic smile and continued walking with the others following.

"Wait. Stop. Stop!" Shane yelled suddenly and they all stopped, and turned to him with raised brows. "Is everybody paying attention?" He then picked up a large rock. "Our first lesson in survival." He threw the rock and it triggered a net trap that swung up into the trees. "Stay together. Keep your eyes open," he ordered and everyone continued walking again.

Echo frowned, her cheeks puffed out due to all the marshmallows. "I should've seen that."

"These are so good!" Jack exclaimed with a bright smile whisk resulted in one of his marshmallows popping out of his mouth and fall onto the ground. He frowned and looked down at it. "Oops." He then started to giggle which made Elena follow in suit.

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