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She looked at him as he walked in front of her with her two oldest daughters on either side of her and her baby in his arms. Carissa was trying to keep up with the group as Kit followed behind them. She was already worn out from the morning. He looked over his shoulder and grinned, "I think your mother needs a nap."
"Mom needs a nap!"Gabby laughed and her giggle was infectious. It spread from her to Carissa then to Sarina.
"I have needed a nap for six years." Kit said as she smiled.
"Well we shall see about granting you some peace." Mitsuhide said.
"You don't have to do this." She said.
"I don't see I am doing anything special." He said to her. As the three girls all got into their booster seats he struggled with the baby and the infant car seat. "Okay how do you do this?"
Sarina reached over the seat and showed him step by step how to buckle the baby in. He watched with a glow in his eyes. "So smarty pants you are as brilliant as your mother are you?" He asked to her and she smiled.
"Her mother isn't all that smart." Kit said as she laughed.
"I disagree there mouse." He said with his trademark grin.
"Mommy is a mouse!" Gabby said as she laughed again with even brought a chuckle out of him.
"Come on Mouse why don't you bring us all to your house and the goblins and I can play for a bit." Mitsuhide said.
"Why do you want to play with my kids Mitsuhide?" She asked as she shut the door and looked over to him over the roof of the car.
"Mouse the day my father did the same thing only slightly worse was the day I stopped trusting people. I don't think another kid needs to go through that hell. I just want to show them not all men are complete and utter jackasses like their father or mine." Mitsuhide said evenly.
"What did yours do to you?" She asked.
"I will tell you later. You will find your goblins are listening closely." He chuckled as they both slid down to see the girls pressing their ears against the glass. She smiled to him through the glass and nodded. He hot into the passenger seat as she got in the drivers seat.
"You didn't bring your car?" She asked.
"I live down the street from Nobunaga so I rode with them." Mitsuhide replied.
"Then you only live down the street from us too." Kit said.
"I thought the goblins looked familiar. The black house on the corner?" He asked.
"Thats the one." She said with a smile.
"Small world." He said as he turned to see Carissa had fallen asleep and Gabby was also fading fast. "How old are they?"
"Sarina is six, Gabby is five, Carissa is two, and Maximus is two months old." She said.
"You, Mouse, have your hands full. I mean a whole group of little goblins and then the group of grown ones at work." He chuckled.
"You have kids?" She asked.
"No." He said quickly. "I am not father material."
"Why do you say that?" She asked.
"I find that I am slightly to selfish to want a smaller more selfish version of myself running around." He said.
"Well I guess self awareness is a good thing." She said and left the rest of what she wanted to say unsaid. The fact was her ex husband is the one who pushed for the kids as she started medical school. He wanted her to stay home and raise the kids so he could provide for their ever growing family. When she didn't do that he started with the more verbal abuse. When that didn't seem to work he began the more physical approach. It was just a matter of time until she was exactly where she was in life, alone with her kids or worse dead. Now since he didn't get his way and she was the better provider for the children with a steady job and paycheck he was willing to cut all ties with her brats as he called them. The children he pushed her to have.
She smiled at them in the mirror. "Did I say something?" Mitsuhide asked.
"Just remembering something." She said as she glance at the man next to her. He was not one she would have ever figured to give a damn about anything other then what was in his sphere. He was quiet and often more times then not the one driving everyone insane. The second in charge but the one no one ever knew what he was really up too.
He was good to look at as well. At least for her as she had kept her distance from any major interactions with the men she worked with. If her ex was going to use the fact she worked with all men against her she made a concrete wall between her and them. She didn't want to hear the accusations. She didn't want to be called a whore. She was regardless of what she did.
She pulled into her drive way and saw everyone was fast asleep. "Happens every time." She said with a smile. She got out and found him getting the car seat out of the car and as he reached in he lifted Sarina in his arms. She grabbed Carissa and went to the door and unlocked it. He followed her in and looked at her as she placed Carissa on one couch. She motioned for him to put Sarina down on the other. He put the car seat down and with a tenderness he didn't think he had he put the girl down on the couch. He walked outside before she could and was back with Gabby in his arms. He placed her down on the couch with her younger sister and then watched as their mother placed small blankets on everyone.
"I guess you are free from playing with goblins." She said softly as she undid the carseat and lifted the baby. He was also sleeping and she placed his in his playpen.
"No I can wait until they wake up." Mitsuhide said. "I meant what I said. No kid needs to believe all men are like that."
"Mitsuhide I don't think they will think that." She said. "They know plenty of other men who aren't like that."
"But when it is your dad." He said.
"You don't have to tell me. I shouldn't have asked." She said.
"No you were right to ask. I get that. It isn't normal behavior for a grown man to want to play with three little girls." He chuckled. "I think they just needed some attention from someone other than you."
"I get what you are saying." Kit said as she looked up. "I mean it isn't like I can just move on. I can't date now."
"Why not?" Mitsuhide asked.
"I have four kids!" She said with a sigh, "first off no sane man wants a newly divorced woman. Let alone a woman with four kids under the age Of seven. Then to top that off to have to deal with him as well. It's too much"
"Sane men are overrated." He chuckled. "My step dad wasn't all that bad."
"Well that is good to hear." She said.
"My dad however.... he made it us think it was our fault. He made a scene kind a like that one. He had a different family then. He went on to have a few more kids with his new girlfriend. He said we weren't good enough. We couldn't possibly be his kids because of that fact." Mitsuhide said softly.
"Well damn." She said. "I'm sorry."
"Why are you sorry?" He asked.
"Because no child should feel worthless because of their parents." She said flatly as she looked at her kids asleep on the couches. "I can't imagine how that feels. I got the opposite sort of."
"What do you mean the opposite?" He asked confused.
"My mother smothered me. It wasn't neglect it was just to much. She almost stalked me and my friends and anyone else I knew." Kit said.
"She was lass caring as a parent but authoritarian with information about everyone in her path. To be honest it was disturbing."
"I guess we both got it in different ways." He said with a shoulder shrug.
"I guess we did." She smiled.
"Kit if you ever need a break just ask. Trust me the guys will jump to help out. Your girls are already probably more mature then most of them. Torrie And Nobunaga would also help. Nick does talk about her often and with a starry look in his eyes." He chuckled.
"Puppy love." Kit said with a laugh.
"You need to keep an eye on that. Nick is my godson and I can say without a doubt he is his fathers son." Mitsuhide said laughing.
"And that means?" She asked as she looked up to him.
"He is bossy." Mitsuhide chuckled.
"Oh well he will learn." Kit smiled.
"Learn what?" Mitsuhide asked.
"She is bossier." Kit said with a smile. "Nick is an only child. She is the oldest of four. She reigns supreme."
"Honestly how did you keep them a secret?" Mitsuhide asked.
"I wasn't trying to." Kit said. "I was called all sorts of things by him I just kept my distance from other people."
"You are not making this any better." He said flatly.
"What do you mean?" She asked with almost a fear in her eyes at his words.
"And that seals it." He said softly, "if I ever see him again and I going to kill him. He hit you didn't he?"
"Mitsuhide drop it." She said as she turned away.
"God damnit." He said under his breath. "He did."
"Look I am not that important. The kids never saw it. He is gone. Why open that wound again?" She asked.
"I am going to kill that mother." Mitsuhide said as he stopped abruptly as he heard the baby behind him starting to fuss. He watched as she went and got the baby quickly. She smiled at the baby and Mitsuhide saw her for the first time as she really was. He stood there quickly as he watched this woman he knew of for years but never really saw. It wouldn't have matter if he had since she was married to a prick but he saw her now. He always thought he would turn into his father if given the opportunity. He thought about the statement he had made earlier to her. He looked at these three little girls and the baby boy and for the first time in his life he wanted something he didn't prepare for. He wanted to step into a role he thought he would never have. He looked at the woman in front of him as he reached out his arms to take the baby from her. She smiled and handed him over as she went to go make a bottle. He looked into the little face of the baby boy and he smiled as he realized he wanted nothing more to see this child grow up. A surge of a feeling went through him as he came to grips with his thoughts. He looked at the three sleeping girls in the room as well and it just grew. This was parental love he realized. He wanted to protect them.
When she reappeared from the kitchen he looked at her, "Mouse I changed my mind."
"On?" She asked as he took the bottle from her to give to the baby in his arms.
"Don't call the others if you want a break." He said and she looked surprised at him, "just call me."
"Did I miss something?" She asked.
"Only a feeling, Mouse." He said with a chuckle. He looked at the boy and smiled. "So you're name is Maximus huh?"
"Max for short." She said as she watch the man in front of her sit down with her son in his arms. The baby was the only one never to know what it felt like to have a man in their lives. She could feel the tears welling up in the back of her eyes. The pain of her son not knowing what a father should be like was growing. It was a shame this one didn't want children. He was a natural with them. It was bittersweet that he offered to help her but he didn't want any of his own. "You should rethink your not father material comment. You seem really good with him."
"Mouse I already am." He said softly without looking up, "my step dad didn't want kids either. He said so when he started dating mom. He however was a good man and did things with us. I think I want to change my mind. I think I want to help you with them more."
"Mitsuhide what are you saying?" She asked and he looked up and into her eyes, "Mouse I think I want to take you all out tonight."
"Like out where?" She asked.
"Somewhere they like." He said.
"Like a date?" She asked.
"Yeah like a date. Mouse I am not a sane man." He smiled. "I want to take you all out on a date."

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