New Dragons

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Valka POV

I knew there was another world. Hiccup knew, too. I knew there was more. Much more. But no one would believe me. But now they could see it. That I was right. 

"Starflight. Take us to your leader." 

The blue one was unsettled by this. 

"We're not taking them anywhere except for the dungeons!!" she said. "Or......we could bring them to Glory....."

"Queen Glory," the yellow one added. The blue one snarled.  

"Excuse them for their manners!" came a voice from above. Another dark dragon, slightly smaller than the one named Starflight and with purple scales glimmering along her instead of black, landed gracefully on their platform. "My name is FateSpeaker. I'm Starflight's helper. The blue dragon is Tsunami. Ignore her, although it might be hard. The other one is Sunny." FateSpeaker smiled brightly. 

"Why are the dark ones the only polite ones?" I asked, intentionally aggravating Tsunami. Before she could respond, FateSpeaker interrupted. 

"Oh my goodness! How can I understand you? Do you guys hear this or am I just crazy?!" 

"Both," snarled Tsunami. This is perfect. I should make Tsunami so annoyed that she will lash out and do something terrible. Terrible enough to lose respect from her fellow dragons. And then I will earn all the respect she had. My plan is to aid all dragons, and I can't do that with the annoying imbeciles like Tsunami in my way. I have to get rid of her. 

"Those are NightWings. They say they're dark and mysterious, but that theory was proven wrong a long time ago," Sunny chirped. FateSpeaker frowned. 

"Not with Moon!" she argued. Sunny rolled her eyes. Starflight chuckled over all the arguing. 

"I'd say I should give you a tour!" he said nervously. 
"No!" Tsunami protested. "They are outsiders! They can not be trusted!"

"So what? My mother was the leader of the outlaws! She could be trusted! Come on, guys. I'll show you around." Sunny motioned for us to follow her. Hiccup mounted Toothless, I mounted CloudJumper, and Astrid mounted StormFly. We followed Sunny through the air, listening to vague murmurs of Tsunami cursing. As I looked around, I saw the different dragons flying through the sky. Some black, some white, some blue, some yellow, some many different colors, some red......This was my home. Sunny plummeted to the ground. I watched as she darted through a small crevis below, but CloudJumper didn't follow. 

"CloudJumper!" I ordered. 

"I won't go in there! We're scared! " CloudJumper complained. Useless dragons. Maybe I could get a better dragon here. Maybe Starflight? He seems smart, though he seems to attach to that Tsunami. 

"Fine," I said. "Drop us off. We'll slide through," I demanded. CloudJumper darted to the whole, and I dismounted. Hiccup and Astrid followed me down the whole. As we slid through, I noticed it getting darker and darker. We suddenly fell into a pit of mud. I suddenly felt my feet brush onto something. A head sprung up from under the mud. It was tanish orange and had a very square-like face. 
"Uh, Winter you left your scavengers here!" the dragon called. Sunny walked into the room. 

"Oh! There you guys are! Clay, these aren't Winter's," she explained. The one named Clay smiled brightly. 

"Oh, are they yours then?" he asked. Sunny laughed. 

"Nope. They're wild. And they can talk!" 

Clay looked at Sunny sarcastically, as if he thought she was joking. 

"She's right, by the way," I said. "So don't mess with me." Clay's jaw dropped. He looked at Sunny and then back at me. He slowly climbed out of the mud tub and ran out of the room. Sunny laughed. 

"Knowing him, he's probably gonna tell the students," she joked. 

"Students?" my son asked, clearly confused. So was I. Was this a school for dragons? Maybe I could send CloudJumper here so I can teach her a few manners. 

"Yes," Sunny replied. "This is the school me, Starflight, Tsunami, Glory, and Clay started. It's called Jade Mountain Academy. Maybe one of my students can show you around! I know the just the one. QIBLI!!" Like magic, another dragon, who looked similar to Sunny but had more of a sand color and was bigger, came rushing into the room. 

"Hi Sunny!" he chirped. Then he saw us. "Is that dinner? Can I help cooking?" 

"No," Sunny said laughing. "Qibli, could you show these scavengers around?" Qibli looked confused. He must not know that he can understand us. 

"We can speak, you know," I said proudly. Qibli jumped back.

"Woah! Those are some strange scavengers! Let's not let Winter see them! He might go coo-coo. Come on, guys!" He had an odd glint in his eye when he said Winter. Qibli started marching out of the cave that we were in. The tunnel soon led to a cave full of dragons. 

"This is the Prey Center," Qibli said. "It's where everyone eats. I brought you here first so you could meet new dragons!" As soon as we walked through the hall into the center, a large NightWing jumped up in our faces and grabbed Hiccup. 

"Guys! Look what I found! And there are three more!" he shouted. All the dragons' head moved towards Hiccup, who was dangling from the NightWing's claws. The dragons immediatly rushed towards him. 

"I want it!" one of them said. 

"No me!" the other chirped. 

"I'm hungry!" another one yelled. 

"STOP!" said a voice from the corner. Everyone was silent. A bright white and blue dragon marched through the sea of dragons. He snatched Hiccup from the NightWing's claws. 

"Hey! That was my food, IceWing!" protested the NightWing. The IceWing ignored him and strut back to his corner. I quickly followed and so did Astrid. 

"That is my son," I said as soon as we reached his paws. 

"And my boyfriend," added Astrid. The IceWing stopped in his tracks and spun around. 

"What did you just say? Did you just speak? Can I understand you?" he glanced towards Qibli. "Who are these scavengers?!" he bellowed. "Where did you find them!?" Qibli skipped towards the IceWing. 

"Drop him, Winter if you know what's good for you," Qibli said confidently. Winter snorted. 

"I don't take orders from you," Winter said. "You are just a lousy SandWing." 

"Think all you want, but I have answers about these scavengers, and if you don't let him go right this minute, I will keep quiet about the scavengers." Qibli smiled deviously. Winter dropped Hiccup to the floor. 

"Ow!" Hiccup exclaimed. Winter merely ignored Hiccup. He picked me up instead. 

"Where did you come from?" he asked. 

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