The Anarchy: Chapter Twelve- Repair & Trust?

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A/N: Hello guys, this chapter is focused on Todoroki's past. Chapter Three & Eleven hinted out that Shouto was in an abusive relationship. He was manipulated to think that Inasa was only hurting him because he loves him. This chapter explains Shouto's history. He's afraid of love and the past repeating itself. 

Todoroki never had a traditional childhood. If he could describe himself, he would say cold and reserved. Social interaction wasn't one of his best skills that he should've developed when he was younger. He barely recognized his siblings. He grew up in a separate environment than his siblings. He was a victim of child abuse from his father. He remembered the sweet voice of his mother when she hugged him tightly. His mother loved him so much, but it didn't stop Endeavor from taking her away. She couldn't handle the abuse and poured boiling water down Shouto's left eye.

"The kids are becoming more like their father. I can't look at them anymore. I can't handle it anymore. I want to leave and run away."

Shouto wished that he didn't overhear her conversation. His father refused to pay for any private tutors for Shouto. Todoroki had a difficult time handling school with a constant amount of bullying. He struggled with his self-esteem and doubted himself. He could hear the cruel words of his classmates uttered when he walked inside the classroom. He attempted to ignore the words, but he believed every word they said.



"Useless, bitch!"

10-year-old Shouto stared down at the ground, trying to hide the tears. He yelped when one of his classmates tugged on his hair. "Aw, look, he's about to cry." He was shoved to the ground, "Gonna cry to mama? Oh, wait, your mama left you." They surrounded the fragile boy in a cage. They blocked any form of escape Shouto had, "Please, let me leave." His tormentors laughed at his pity attempt to escape.

"Didn't you hear him? He told you guys to leave him alone." One of the students cursed under their breath, "Look, Yoarashi, why don't you join us? Don't you believe that this freak deserves a good beating?" The kid strolled over to Yoarashi as the kid huffed, "The only freaks here are you guys!" Yoarashi didn't encourage violence, but he was willing to get troubled for this boy. He slammed his fist against the bully's abdomen and knocked him off his feet. "If anyone comes near Todoroki, you will have to answer to me." Todoroki watched the bullies run away from the area and then glanced at the giant.

"Come on, let's get you out of here." His voice sounded soothing and gentle like his mother's. He saw the extended hand, "Why did you help me?" Yoarashi lifted Shouto effortlessly, "It was the right thing to do. I'm Inasa Yaorashi. You're Shouto Todoroki, right?" Shouto nodded his head to confirm his name. "Do you want to be friends?" Shouto wondered if that was the right choice to make, but he accepted the offer. "We're going to have so much fun together!" Todoroki couldn't help but smile at this boy's amusement. "You should smile more," Yoarashi said. Todoroki blushed at the comment, "I-I don't usually smile." Yoarashi chuckles, "You're adorable." Todoroki grew flushed at the compliments and covered his face to hide his burning appearance. He made his first friend.


13-year-old Shouto watched his best friend play with his lunch. "Yoarashi, you're going to choke on that if you don't slow down," Shouto commented. Yoarashi was attempting to slurp his noodles down before Shouto could. Yoarashi choked on his noodles while Todoroki was giggling. "I told you," Shouto teased. Yoarashi rolled his eyes, "You need to learn to live a little, Todoroki." Shouto rolled his eyes at him, "Nah, I wanna live. Plus-" Shouto's mouth was stuffed with noodles. He choked on the noodles and attempted to swallow them. "You jerk," Shouto grabbed a spoon of his zaru soba and shoved it between Inasa's lips. Yoarashi was busy laughing to notice Shouto's attack and ended up coughing on the noodles. Shouto stopped laughing and focused on his friend. He smiled to himself as one thought invaded his mind.

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