The Anarchy: Chapter Eleven- Love is Scary

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Uraraka built her metal walls around her heart to protect herself. She remembered how happy she was back in school. Deku and Iida were always there for her. She counted on them. Her friends didn't need to worry about her. She lied to hide her feelings, 'Shut up, Ochaco! You need to make sure your friends are happy! If you let them in, they'll think that you're a dysfunctional girl. If you were never born, mom and dad wouldn't be struggling! It's your fault! It will always be your fault.' She wished that she wasn't so worthless.

She glanced up at Bakugou to observe the hint of regret in his eyes. "I need to get going," Bakugou told her.


Todoroki's eyes fluttered open to see the ceiling, 'Where am I?' He glanced around at his surroundings. He remembered that Kirishima and Midoriya brought him here. "You're finally awake," Shouto sat up to look at Shuzenji. "How did I get here?" She quirked an eyebrow at the boy, "You don't remember?" Shouto shook his head, "Everything seems like a blur."

"Two dangerous males brought you here," she explained. Todoroki nods his head, "Where did they go?" Shouto was confused. "They didn't say anything. They just left once they dropped you off." Shouto nods his head. He lay down on the bed, 'They made the right choice to drop me off.'

Todoroki left the hospital later that day, 'I'm glad that Shuzenji couldn't recognize me. It's been three weeks since I was held captive. The dye probably washed out of my hair.' Todoroki headed back to his apartment to find some clothes. He noticed his phone on the table counter, 'No wonder where I left that phone at.' He picked it up to see a few messages on there.

Old Man: Where the hell are you?

Old Man: It's been two weeks! Where the hell are you? You better not be avoiding your father, Shouto.

Old Man: Touya said you've been doing drugs. You're in trouble when you come to the office.

Shouto glanced at the date and realized that the message was just now. He knew that he would have to confront Endeavor soon. He heard the knock at the door. He walked over to the door and opened it. He didn't expect a green-haired boy, "Midoriya?" The green-haired boy buried his face into Todoroki's chest, "I had to see you again." Shouto noticed the blush staining Midoriya's cheeks, letting his freckles stand out. Midoriya extracted himself from the hug and allowed Shouto to close the door. "Is that all you needed?" Todoroki leaned against the door as Midoriya glanced down at the ground.

"I wanted to talk." Midoriya had to tell him. He couldn't keep his emotions buried when he almost lost Shouto. "I love you, Shouto." Shouto froze at the mention of those three words. He never thought that he would ever hear those words again.


"Who would ever love a monster like you?" Endeavor's words echoed. 12-year-old Shouto held back the tears when his father yelled. "Why do you hate me? What did I ever do to you?" Shouto collapsed to the ground and covered his cheek. Tears were threatening to fall from his mismatched eyes, "You're a disgrace! A repulsive freak."

17-year-old Shouto smiled, "I'm glad that we met." Inasa grabbed Shouto's hand, "Yeah, I'm happy that I found you." Shouto leaned his head against Inasa's shoulder with a bright smile. Inasa watched the boy admire the stars, "You're beautiful, Shouto." The boy giggled and allowed Inasa to hold him. "Sho, do you love me?" Shouto pulled away from Inasa, "Why are you asking? We've been dating for five years. Why wouldn't I love you?" Inasa placed his hands against Shouto's cheeks. "I love you, Sho. I love you more than anything." Shouto loved this boy. He didn't know that Inasa was leading him in a spiderweb. "Don't you love me?" Shouto saw the worry and anger lacing Inasa's eyes, "O-Of course!" Inasa grabbed Shouto's chin to face him. "Then say it," Inasa's voice sounded harsher. Shouto bit down the whimper, "I love you!"

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