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Instead of driving out of Derry like his brain is screaming at him to, Richie pulls into the parking lot of the Derry Town House Inn. It's the only hotel in the town, and it's a pretty shitty one, at least compared to Richie's usual hotel experience. But it's not like it's (too) dirty (though it is dirty enough for Eddie to inspect the whole place with a black light, rambling on about the various germs in the room), and overall, it's acceptable.

Richie and Eddie exit the car once more, entering the building to find Bill and Mike chatting at the bar a little ways inside the place. The former pair share a glance before walking over to meet the latter, who both look up as they enter the room.

"Are we interrupting something?" Richie asks in response to Bill and Mike's hesitant expressions.

"No, no. Sit down, Rich." Mike says kindly, gesturing to the barstools beside them. "We were just discussing... well, I'm sure you can guess."

"It." Richie replies instantly, and Mike nods. Richie reaches over to take Eddie's hand, and the two walk over to sit at the bar.

Richie can't tell if it's subconscious homophobia, surprise from lack of exposure, a clashing of memory and reality, or just surprise from all of the different factors that go into today- the fourteen years apart, the childhood memories, the wrecked relationships. But both Bill and Mike wear the same curious expressions, eyes snapping to where Richie and Eddie's hands meet.

"Let me get you a drink." Bill offers, standing up, but Richie shakes his head.

"That's alright." He waves his hand as if to dismiss the idea. Eddie watches him, as he often does, wondering what he's thinking. Gauging his body language.

"Oh, come on, Rich, just one-" Bill's face breaks out into a smile as he begins to walk around the bar.

"That's alright." Richie repeats, insisting. Eddie cocks his head a little. He's not surprised- Richie's always been like this; but being in Derry has him wandering in his thoughts and memories more than he usually would.

"Hands off, fucker."

Richie was staring a man down with fire in his eyes. The man had brushed his hand over Eddie's back, and Richie, a little intoxicated, wasn't having it.

"Jesus, alright." The guy grumbled, and Eddie thanked god that the situation hadn't escalated. Richie was too protective for his own good sometimes. Plus, Eddie could handle himself. He didn't yet know why Richie couldn't understand that. It pissed him off.

It was around four months after they'd reunited as adults. The two were at a college party that Dean had invited them to, though Dean was nowhere to be found. Eddie predicted he was probably screwing someone in the bathrooms (he was).

"Hey, I know you!" Eddie heard a voice behind him. He assumed the person was speaking to Richie, but as he turned around, he saw a familiar face looking at him. It was a guy from one of his classes. He couldn't quite remember the guy's name, only that he'd made this big show about being gay in front of the whole class last year, which had made Eddie laugh a lot.

"Oh, hey!" Eddie smiled at him, hoping he couldn't tell that Eddie had forgotten his name.

"Can I get you something to drink?" The man offered. Eddie opened his mouth to reply, and then Richie snaked an arm around Eddie's waist, and no words needed to be said. Eddie gave an apologetic smile.

"We're fine." Richie said, his voice a little harsh. Eddie looked up at him to see him eyeing the man suspiciously- really, genuinely suspicious- and he was a little puzzled by it. The guy nodded, then walked away quickly.

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