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Notes: I don't really like how this chapter came out, but that's ok. :)

"Shut up, Dean. I swear to god, I will rip your dick off and shove it up your fucking ass, you prick."

Eddie was fuming as Dean laughed and laughed, somehow still finding this funny after ten or so minutes of knowing about it. Eddie was back in his dorm, which he shared with Dean and two other oddly elusive roommates who he only really knew the names and faces of- Chris and Jack. He was standing in front of the bathroom mirror, dabbing concealer onto his neck in a fruitless attempt to cover up the hickeys Richie had left there. Dean was sitting on the edge of the bathtub, watching him struggle.

"I'm sorry, it's just fucking funny. For so many reasons." Dean wheezed, pulling himself together long enough to speak. "First of all, you're Eddie. Wholesome all the time, such a fucking virgin. And you go hook up with some guy from highschool. Not only that, but you come back with hickeys everywhere- which you can't cover up-" Dean giggled a bit, and Eddie glared at him. "And on top of all of that, the dude you hooked up with was Richie fucking Tozier."

"God, how did Ally do this...?" Eddie groaned in frustration, ignoring Dean. "I mean, at least dating Troy helped her learn how to conceal a hickey better than any of us."

Dean made a gagging sound. "Troy. We don't mention that name in this house, Eddie."

"Ugh, I know, he was such a shithead." Eddie agreed, rolling his eyes. "Can we call Ally over to help me? Or Mary? Or Beth-Anne? Or maybe Grace, I know she could do it. Or what about Sam? Jane R., maybe? Jane K. is just as bad as me, though. I don't know about Dee. I bet Anna would just do my whole face. Maybe Ally is my best bet."

"God, why do you have so many girl friends?" Dean scoffed. "You're perpetuating gay stereotypes."

"Whatever." Eddie replied, knowing Dean was only joking. "Girls are just better. Okay, this is hopeless. I'm breaking out the turtleneck." Eddie wiped the concealer off, and the purple-ish marks became even clearer.

Dean gasped, mock-amazed. "The turtleneck!"

"The turtleneck." Eddie confirmed, walking into his bedroom, a short distance from the bathroom.

"Alright, I'll leave you alone so you can ring your boytoy." Dean said, and Eddie hated that he'd guessed exactly what he'd been planning on doing. "Have fun, Eddie."

"Asshole." Eddie replied, shutting the door to his room swiftly. He changed into a black turtleneck, the only turtleneck he owned. Eddie sat down on his bed and picked up the phone to call Richie Tozier.

The line rang thrice before Richie answered, and Eddie waited with baited breath.

"This is Richie Tozier."

"Hey, Richie." Eddie let out his exhale, grinning. He felt like a schoolgirl, crushing on some guy, heart fluttering madly.

"Oh, hi, Eds!" Richie's voice warmed considerably, and Eddie could hear him smiling. "Did you call to berate me about giving you hickeys again?"

Eddie laughed softly, making Richie's heart skip a beat. "No. Honestly, I just wanted to hear your voice."

"You big sap." Richie laughed. Eddie could hear a bit of background noise, people talking, what sounded like an engine whirring.

"For you, yes." Eddie replied. "What are you doing?"

"I'm actually headed to a meeting right now."

"Oh." Eddie said.

"Yeah, I'm not exactly thrilled either. But, hey, I'll make the most out of it. I can say anything in meetings because I'm a comedian, they'll just think it's all one big joke." Richie spoke through the phone, and Eddie gave a short laugh.

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