16; Words Unsaid

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The next day, Mackenzie sat in the waiting room of Dr. James Ellicott. She crossed her right leg over her left, then began to tap her right foot nervously as she looked around the brightly lit room. There wasn't much in the room- just a couch, coffee table and fake plant in the corner.

Biting her bottom lip, she glanced down at her hands which were resting in her lap. She messed with the bracelet on her wrist for a few minutes, then leaned forward to grab a magazine from the coffee table. Trying to distract her racing mind, she flipped through the pages, not really reading anything until she heard someone call her name.

Glancing up, she gave the doctor a polite smile, then stood up and dropped the magazine back on the table as she followed him into his office- which was about the same size as the room she just left.

"Thanks for seeing me on short notice." Mackenzie sat down on a couch similar to the one in the waiting area. She couldn't help but wonder if he bought 'em both at the same time- maybe even got a good deal for buying two at once, then quickly shook her head as she realized she was getting distracted from the job she was sent to do.

"No problem," Dr. Ellicott said kindly to her earlier comment as he sat in a chair across from her and waited for her to speak.

Feeling his eyes on her, she glanced around the room feeling uncomfortable. She wasn't really big on sharing her feelings, especially to a psychiatrist but unfortunately, she lost against Sam in 'rock, paper, scissors' or he would be the one sitting here right now.

Spying a plaque on the wall with his name on it, she feigned surprise. "Ellicott...that name. Wasn't there a Dr. Sandford Ellicott?" She turned to look at him. "I think he was a chief psychiatrist somewhere."

"My father was chief of staff at the old Roosevelt Asylum. How did you know?" he asked confused.

"I'm just a bit of a local history buff," she lied, then paused for a moment, pretending to be in deep thought. "Wasn't there an incident or something? In the hospital, the south wing?"

"We're supposed to be talking about you, you know?" he reminded her as he flashed her a kind smile.

"Right, sorry."

"So, how are things?"

"Good, great even. Pretty much perfect," she said with a fake smile.

"If things are so great, Mackenzie, why are you here? What have you been doing?" Dr. Ellicott asked, hoping to get her to open up. She wouldn't be the first one who was hesitant to speak up, but he was patient enough to wait.

"Not a lot, just road tripping with my ex-boyfriend and his brother," Mackenzie answered. She thought about it for a moment, then began to ramble, "Well I guess he's not really an ex-boyfriend. We just hooked up once- two years ago, so I guess ex-fling would be the right word."

"Is that all you see him as? Just a fling? Or was he more?" he asked.

"He's just a guy, Doc," she answered, trying to convince herself more than him. She cleared her throat, then desperately tried to change the subject. "So the south wing? What exactly happened again?"

"If you're a local history buff, you know all about the Roosevelt riot," he pointed out.

"Right, of course, the riot. I-I remember...it's just...my memory of it is a little fuzzy," she stuttered. She flashed him a smile. "Could you just refresh my memory a little."

Letting out a sigh, he leaned toward her. "Cut the bull, Mackenzie, you're avoiding the subject."

"What subject?" she asked confused. She didn't realize there was a subject, she was just there to get information.

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