Camp Campbell Campers

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So here are the rest of Camp Campbell (Yes I traced over them because I wanted to quickly get their new designs and colour pallets down)

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So here are the rest of Camp Campbell (Yes I traced over them because I wanted to quickly get their new designs and colour pallets down). As you may see, Jermy is not here. This does not mean he isn't a Camp Campbell camper in this AU. I just have a different post in mind for him. Anyway on to the kids.

Nerf: Gem: agate. Weapon: knife (duh) Special powers: strength (Much more then the rest of the campers)

Nerris: Gem: Azurite. Weapon: Dice sized orbs that do different kinda of effects. Special powers: Ice manipulation.

Harrison: Gem: Bloodstone. Weapon: Spectral cards that act as thrown projectiles. Special powers: fire manipulation.

Erid: Gem: Amethyst. Weapon: mace. Special powers: Dash attack, slightly stronger.

Preston: Gem: Calsite. Weapon: voice. Special powers: amplification (Mostly sounds)

Space Kid: Gem: Labradorite. Weapon: unknown. Special powers: unknown (He's not very good at using his powers)

Dolph: Gem: Carnelian. Weapon: Sickle. Special powers: dash attack (not very good at it though)

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