- Aw. Crying because you're worried for me?

- I'm not crying. The tears just can't stop shredding. – and when he said that, the tears literally scrolled down like crazy that he couldn't stop it.

I think that was the reaction of Channing Tatum being relieved from the horrifying situation that he imagined in his mind about me fainting on the cold ground for hours without anyone knowing.

Channing swallowed his saliva, tried to stop the tears but failed miserably.

After successfully found my hand, he placed it on the left of his wide chest and told me with his tearing up voice:

- Feel my heart, it's beating like crazy.

Rubbed on where his heart is, I pulled my head closer and finally landed a strong kiss on that sweet shaky little heart. It made me tear up too to witness how freaked out Channing was.

- I'm sorry, Channing. I'm so so sorry, babe. – I said, hugged him with all of me, pressed my ear against where his heart is to hear just how crazy it was beating until now when he had calmed down a little bit.

- Thanks God, Bun. Thanks God you're ok. – rubbed my head slightly, my husband said.

- I'm ok. – I whispered; my left hand held on to my right one to hug him stronger cos this man deserved it.

- I know. What a relief. – Channing placed another kiss on the top of my head. I could feel how strong his breath was on my head skin.

Something hit affectively into my heart, I pushed Channing Tatum away from me which made him stunned and didn't know what to react.

Ignored the fact that I just frightened him for the second time, I determinedly told him:

- Babe. You have to stop acting like this, because you know me and my health clearer than anyone else does, you should have been used to it by now, am I right?

- I'm being like this burdens you, doesn't it? – the way he looked at me while saying these words made my knees wanted to collapse.

See why I tried to ignore? Because I would be defeated if I didn't. Those eyes are powerful as hell, especially when you love him as much as I do, it's even more powerful that what we can put into words.

- Not burden, but... - I stuttered, ran out of words, and that was when I realised, I had failed to not care about those eyes.

- I will never get used to it. – he said while quickly putting his hands on my waist and pulled me closer.

- Then what will you do about it? Because you can't act like this forever, it hurts me. – I said.

My tears were already there to drop at any moment, and their faith all depended on his next coming words.

He stared at me for a few seconds, and for me, those were the longest seconds of my life. He didn't say anything in response, only arched his back a little to bend over to give both of my eyes two tiny little kisses for comforting purposes.

He slightly licked those salty fluid that sticked on his lips, and gently told me:

- I've decided something.

- Tell me. – I said with my smallest voice.

- If you ever disappear from this world, I will evaporate to where you go. – he said and it sent chills through my spine.

In other words, what he said just scared the shit out of me. What the fuck? He couldn't be serious.

- You can't be serious. You're not gonna kill yourself if I die, are you? – I asked, so scared to listen to his answer.

[JESSIE J & CHANNING TATUM FANFIC] "TEMPORARILY"Where stories live. Discover now