Chapter 1: Another Morning, Another Day

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   The morning sun had arisen and pidoves were chirping their tunes and waking everyone up in Rhyme City, especially a certain detective with a Pikachu who was sleeping peacefully beside him. In one of the apartments, Tim Goodman was still sleeping the morning away and not really caring about the pidoves rise and shine calls. It was like an everyday ritual for them. But an everyday ritual that he doesn't mind at all were getting calls from his girlfriend, Lucy Stevens, which is why his phone is ringing right now. Still feeling sleepy from all the late night work he's done yesterday, he sluggishly gets his phone from the night stand and hits the green button to answer:

Lucy: [Morning sleepyhead]

Tim: Hey...

Lucy: [Still not wanting to wake up?]

Tim: No...

Lucy: [Yeah, I feel ya. How's pikachu? Still helping you on your work?]

Tim: Of course and still wanting coffee like always...

Lucy: [Sounds very familiar, hahahahaha]

Tim: Yeah yeah.

He gets up from his bed and stretches out his muscles until he hears a couple of cracks. Then he heads into the kitchen and starts making himself some coffee and breakfast. Tim didn't want to wake up his little partner just yet until food was ready to be served. So he just lets him rest for a few minutes.

Tim: How's Psyduck?

Lucy: [He's doing fine. Always trying to keep those headaches of him in check so he won't explode like that one time.]

Tim: Thankfully the Tortera garden was not part of it, whew! How's CMN? Got any good reports lately?

Lucy: [It's going good. About the reports though? Sadly, nothing too juicy. Same old robber story robbing banks...]

Tim: Aw don't be sad. I'm sure you'll come across some interesting news out there in the city. I mean, it's full of bustling people with some....activity!

Lucy: [Yeah I don't think everyday people walking with Pokémon would be newsworthy...]

Tim: C'mon don't get mad.

Lucy: [I know I know, I'm sorry. It's just...after the Clifford accident, news and topics have been low lately and it's been super difficult to report something newsworthy. I hate to say this...but I hope something comes around!]

Tim: Well you know what's coming around?

Lucy: [What?]

Tim: The date!

Lucy: [Oh my goodness, I've actually been thinking about tonight since all day yesterday!!!]

Tim: Me too. Just us~

Lucy: [Out in the park~]

Tim: Under the beautiful and wonderful moonlight~

Lucy: [With you~]

Tim: With you~

Suddenly, small pitter patter of yellow feet enters the kitchen. It clears its throat and interrupts both of their romantic conversation.

???: Lucy and Tim sitting on an Oran berry tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!!!

Lucy: [Is that who I think it is?]

Tim: Yup and this is the time I'll have to call you back.

Lucy: [Alright. Take care and take it easy on him, his still your friend and partner.]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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