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Sometimes you wish you did things differently.

You overthink about the things you could've done instead of changing the future. By looking back at the past wishing for a different outcome. When that part of your story has already been written. Desperately you try to erase the mistakes. Leaving a forever mark, a scar.

All of this started with a boy. A boy that turned into a very captivating bright young man. A man that could very easily get away with murder. Yet he was a man who would never dream of murder. His name?

Min Yoongi.

Dark silky locks that fell softly onto his fair skin. Eyes that sparkled with maturity, but a smile that held curiosity. A smile that could save the world.

Of course a man like him would only wear the finest clothes. Out in public he wore only the nicest clothes. Never was there a moment where he wasn't making a statement. Min Yoongi with the rest of his friends had changed the world. With his music you could feel his emotion.

You could hear me.

Can you hear me?

Some of the songs had a whisper of my name.

A longing I hadn't realized he was experiencing as well.

I missed him.

I missed his smile, his eyes, his voice, his hair, I missed everything about him. Such a beautiful soul that I was too afraid to get close to.

As I said before though, we all have regrets. Mine was disappearing. Vanishing from Min Yoongi's world.

Little did I know that as I waited for him...

he was searching for me.

Our Fate (Min Yoongi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now