Chapter 12:Coach||

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Astrid's View:

You could say that my record isn't the best. But I'm proud. It's entertaining to read it. Other have plain records. Perfect attendance. Excellent grades. Good behavior. Easiness to pass tests. Follows Dress codes. Never late. Boring! Who wants to read that. Let's read about how I got into a bunch of fights. Science experiment melted a table. Frogs let loose. Broken window. Car towed. Putting people in a hospital. Fire hose flooded the bathroom. Tore a wall down. More fun to read. Entertaining. It's not something to be proud of. But at least they get a break of boring files that say the same thing over and over.

Gives them a break you know. My parents grounded me. I don't think they can do that. But there's no way I'm saying anything.

No ma'am!

I have a week to pack up my things. I was roaming the streets of Minnesota. I sat down in a diner. That's all the way too familiar.

"Astrid! Sweetheart, haven't seen you In quite a while. How are things going?" Anne's asked. She was an elderly woman working in the diner. The same diner Charlie's mom used to work at. I met her when I came to talk to Charlie's mom but instead found her. She was the sweetest person. So wise. Calm. It reminded me of Hans. Almost completely. The same warm smile. Familiar scent. It was almost coincidental. She kept me calm.

"Good". She looked at me and sat down in the booth i was in. In front of me.

"Really? Cause I didn't hear that"

"Okay, okay. Remember that girl sandy. Well she tried to jump me with 4 other girls. I defended myself and I got expelled". She took in my words.

"Was it self defense?" I nodded. "It's going to be difficult to prove sweetie. You already have records of fights. Another one to the list won't help. It will keep you at a disadvantage".

"I know. I'm guessing she wanted revenge."

"For what my dear?"

"I may have accidentally put her in the hospital." She sighed.

"Not the worst. Well for you. But you still were wrong In doing that. I used to be like you too!" I was surprised. Anne was like me. But she's so sweet.

"I don't believe you. You are so sweet and caring Anne's!" She shook her head.

"Age made me grow. Maturity came and I had to grow from my old ways. I flipped my life. I had too. I wasn't going to live a life if I was going to be like that". I nodded. Completely understanding.

"I just wish everything was easy. But it isn't." I put my head down.

"Everything is easy if you left go of the bad". A sorta deep voice said. Confused I looked up. It was Coach Bombay. I was beyond confused.

"How the hell?" Still confused.

"Oo. New customers. Got to go attend them. Bye sweetie". She smiled at me and got up. Coach Bombay filled in where she was.

"How the fu-". I was cut of by Coach Bombay.

"You got a lot of explaining to do". He sternly said.

"And you do too". Trying to lighten up the mood.

"Astrid". He warned me.

"Okay, okay. What do you want to hear?" I slumped on the seat I was on.

"Everything". Bombay said.

"Okay. I woke up. Got dressed. And I had to decide between jeans and a purple and white windbreaker. But then again-".

"Astrid. Straight to the point".

"I had Finished talking with Charlie and I left to go back to my locker. Cause it was in the morning. I got attacked near the entrance by Sandy and 4 other skunks. But to my luck I won. Guessing Sandy was missing the hospital bed". Coach widened his eyes.

"Woah. Hold it there young lady! You send that poor girl to the hospital!" He said. Still not being able to believe it.

"Well I really didn't...she tried me and she got what she wanted. Therefore she sent herself to the hospital". Coach took a deep breath in. I'm guessing he's already done with my shit. Too bad.

"You can't just do that."

"Wrong. She can't just do that".

"You are so stubborn, you know that".

"I prefer being it worded as me trying to get my point across". He rolled his eyes.

"Let's go. We are going somewhere". I whined.

"But I wanted a milkshake". I groaned.

"You could get that on your free time". I remembered I got expelled.

"Oh yeah. A bunch of free time! Considering I got expelled". Coach looked at me and groaned.

"You are making things more difficult".

"Actually I'm not. At least Ms Oak gets break from me. And Mr Olsen. Mr Ruth. Mrs Delgado. And-". Coach shushed me.

"Let's go".

We got up.

I don't know where Coach was taking me.

It's not like I wanted to leave.

I wanted a milkshake.

And possibly a piece of cake.

Would of been nice.

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