Gwen #TheGrudgeContest

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Cara pulled the metal key out of the doorknob and smiled up at Gwen. "There ya go! Just go on inside and you can check out those files. I can't believe Dr. Kyle didn't tell you about those. He's a terrible pharmacy manager!"

"Oh, okay. Thanks," Gwen replied nervously. She stared concerningly at the door. It was tall and narrow with a small square window in the middle. The room beyond was shrouded in darkness. Gwen swallowed hard to try and ease her nervousness.

She pulled the door open slightly and a harsh whisper of cold air wafted past her face, causing her skin to prickle. Bracing herself, Gwen stepped inside the dark room, feeling the walls beside her for a light switch.

"Hey, guys, where's the –" Gwen spun around as she heard the heavy door slam shut behind her. In the door window, she saw both technicians covering their mouths and giggling.

"Hey! Let me out!" she shouted. Gwen pounded her fists on the window. "This isn't funny! Let me out! Let me –"

A low moaning sound pierced the darkness behind her, silencing her. She turned and faced the darkness as the moaning became louder, closer. She heard movement on the floor in front of her – a dull shuffling, as if someone were crawling or dragging themselves forward. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw a shadow of black spill on to the floor in front of her into the patch of light from the door's window. It was hair – long, thin black hair.

A woman's wiry pale arm shot out from the dark, latching around Gwen's ankle. Gwen screamed.

The woman rose up on one elbow, her head bent to the side and swaying as if her neck was broken. Her face was white as paper, her dark eyes wide and bloodshot as she stared up at Gwen. The woman's mouth hung open and the moaning enveloped the room. Gwen screamed again.


The woman's grip tightened around Gwen's ankle, her yellow nails digging into flesh as she dragged a screaming Gwen with her into the darkness.


"The hell's wrong with her?" Cara said to Emily, hearing Gwen scream. "It's just a room. Not like it's really cursed or something."

"Yeah, but maybe we should let her out now," Emily said, worried. "Dr. Kyle will kill us if he found out."

Cara sighed. "Yeah, you're right." She stuck the key back into the doorknob and turned the lock. The door swung slightly ajar, but no one came out. "Hey, Gwen. You can come out now. Gwen?"

Emily pulled the door wide open and heard nothing. Reaching inside, she flicked the light switch next to the door, illuminating a completely empty room.

Gwen #TheGrudgeContestWhere stories live. Discover now