Chapter 1

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Hello guys.

So I'm posting this note about a year and half after this first chapter was published.

I'm not gonna lie; this fanfic sucks, and the chapters are short.

I just cringe when I re-read it. It's that bad.

So this is actually my most read story at the moment (idk why people like this) with 39k reads.
Back when I first posted this, I wasn't as serious with writing as I am now, so I sorta just wrote what I though without really thinking otherwise.

And I'm really lazy, so I don't really wanna go back and re-write the whole thing.

But I just thought I should throw a little disclaimer at you before you read this.

Okay, carry on!

-Anna from the future

reading that statement again in 2018, i can say that's completely true. i first started writing this nearly three and a half years ago now, and it's definitely not my best work, but it's what got me to love writing, and now it's dream of mine to become a published author. (not to brag but it's kinda sorta happening lol). this story has over a hundred thousand more reads than there are people in my town and that's very strange. idk why y'all like this but i know people do so i'll never ever take it down.

-anna from 2018 WHAT

You glanced at them. The 7 seemed to be invulnerable.

How you wished to be like them.

But you have everything you need right here-at the back of the lunchroom, with your bestie.

"Look at them," You growled, "they think they're so cool cause they're on tv."

"They are cool!" Sophie snorted. "Plus, you may become one of them!" Sophie squealed.

You groaned. "Don't remind me!"

"Oh come on! Do you know how cool it would be to dance on national television?!" Sophie asked. You sighed. it would be really cool.

"But I'm not going to make the team! Do you know how many amazing dancers will be there?!" You said.

Sophie rolled her eyes and brought her lunch up. You packed up and went to 6th period.
You pulled up. there before you stood the actual Abby Lee Dance Company.

You had seen or once of twice when You watched the show.

Sure, it was the next town over, but You had never seen it before.

"(Y/N) are you ready?" Your mom asked.

You nodded and slowly got out of the car.

There was already a line halfway around the building, so you knew you weren't gonna get picked.

You waited and waited and finally, she came out.

The larger than life, Abby Lee Miller.

"Oh my god." Sophie muttered under her breath.

She was skinnier in real life.

"Hi everyone! I'm Abby Lee Miller! And we're looking for a new member of the ALDC Junior Elite Competition team! Are you all excited?" Abby asked.

Of course, everyone cheered, even you.

"Okay, so you're all gonna check in at the front desk, and get a number, and got to studio A. As for the moms-or dads-you'll head upstairs."
You finished stretching, and your mom was giving you a prep talk.

"Ok, (Y/N) I want you to do great. I know you don't wanna be here, but you know that Abby'll bring you more opportunities, and we want that. no matter what, I'm proud." She said.

You smiled and looked down. Your number was 173.

"I love you." Your mom said. "I love you too." You smiled.

"Good luck!" Sophie smiled.

"Thanks. Bye guys!" You called. They waved and headed upstairs.
There were three left.

You, 234, and 156.

"Ok. 234, 156, please step forward." Abby said. The two girls did as told. "After discussing it with Gianna, I've decided that...numbers 234, and 156, thank you for your time. You can go home. And as for you, number 173, welcome to the Abby Lee Dance Company."

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