Apologies (must read pls)

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Assalamu'alaikum guys
I don't even know how to start.....OK here it goes....

Am so so so so so sorry, you don't know how sorry I am am really sorry guys

It happened once and now twice I don't even know  what to do

I have started story of my life( SOML) using saudahabubakar and  continued it with maryamahhh19 and now maryamahhh18.

My wattpad email got a problem somehow and I was unable to fix it, for so long I mourn the loss of of my book, I was going to give up but I decided to restart it from the beginning having it all at one place , so now am restarting it with my new username maryamahhh18 hoping it won't get ruined too insha Allah.

I know some of you might be tired or they will be like "what's up with this girl" but please am really really sorry.

I hope you guys will find it in your heart to follow me on this journey to see the end of story of my life insha Allah, I know not all of you will follow me up, but here are my apologies, I hope you see to it.

There will be changes and I will have to remove some places but it's all the same.

Thank you

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