The Mechro Ruin Reaper (NC34)

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Species: Ruin Reaper
Threat level: Alpha
Number: NC34
Codename: The Mechro Reaper
Status: deceased
Height: 175 feet (upright)
Length: 270 feet (with tail)
Wingspan: 700 feet
Weight: 300,481 lbs
Diet: carnivore, possibly omnivore

This Ruin Reaper was the most powerful member of the species to date, and was the only one to have reached alpha level. It was discovered in an ancient ruin with cave paintings depicting Greatwolves killing Reapers. It is possible that the thing was stuck in there for as long as 4,000 years, and possibly much more. It almost killed Rajun on a nearly unstoppable rampage, but was defeated. It is believed that the Mechro Reaper was the last of the species and that Ruin Reapers are now extinct.

Within a small mine, an ancient ruin was found with a champer painted with depictions of the greatwolves' battle with the Ruin Reapers. A single Reaper, presumably left behind from that battle, was found inside of that ruin. It immediately attacked and killed many miners, and then escaped the mine to begin its rampage.

Powers & abilities
• Reaping discord: Like all Ruin Reapers, the Mechro Reaper grew in size when it caused destruction to living things. It is completely unknown as to how Reapers could grow simply by causing discord, but that is indeed the way they grow. This of course, is where their name comes from.
• Mysterious energy: All recorded Ruin Reapers have been able to fire a blast of energy, made of unknown properties, from their mouths. The Mechro Reaper was able to launch a massive barrage by opening up its whole body like a giant mouth.
• Supreme regeneration: The Mechro Ruin Reaper was capable of completely regrowing any part of it's body that was damaged. On one occasion, it's tail was severed and it had completely grown back in less than 24 hours. While all Ruin Reapers have been recorded with fast regeneration, the Mechro Reaper is the only one to heal that quickly.
• Reaper spawns: the Mechro Ruin Reaper, unlike any other recorded Reaper in history, could produce winged, four-armed, humanoid spawns that would continuously grow until they were killed. The spawns were weak and had unclassified threat levels, however, one Spawn that actually outlasted the Mechro Reaper grew big enough to challenge Rajun, making it a Beta.
• Damage sponge: the Mechro Reaper was able to stave off massive amounts of damage. It could survive injuries that would kill anything else. Over the course of its life, it was pierced through the heart, had its neck slashed open, a small explosion detonated on its neck, its intestines were blown up and finally, the attack that killed it, did not kill it instantly. Rajun discharged a massive amount of lightning directly into the Reaper's chest, and the attack blew a whole through its torso, shattered its ribs and spine, incinerated its lungs, stomach and heart, and fried its entire body, including most of the brain. Finally, after it fell over, a building fell on top and buried it. However, it took just over a minute to die, despite the totality of damage that it sustained. If it weren't for Rajun, the Mechro Reaper may not have been stopped.

Additional information:
• Pack: The common form of Ruin Reapers is a large pack or flock of them. They would usually never get any bigger than 10 feet max, and an average height of 6"5" feet.
• Ranks: It is theorized that Reapers had 2 levels of ranking. While the majority of Reapers were very small, there are 3 notable Reapers that grew to massively unusual proportions. These Reapers were much, much smarter, and much more sadistic in the way they killed things, so, it stands to reason that they could have a rank system.
• Reproduction: Ruin Reapers lack reproductive organs, and so it is believed that they somehow reproduce asexually.

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