Creature Designations

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Throughout this guide you will see the statistics shone below, for each colossus.

▪ Species: This is the species of the creature in question.
▪ Threat level: The level of a colossus is determined by its potential threat to humans. There are 3 levels, Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Alphas are very difficult for humans to kill, betas are much easier but can be tricky and gammas aren't very difficult at all.
▪ Number: Each creature officially documented by the CWA (colossus worldwide association) is given a number, and 3 sub-designations: OC, (old colossus) NC, (new colossus) and TC (True colossus). OC are the kaiju that were documented by the old world, and most OC are dead. NC are any monster discovered by the CWA. TC are creatures from either era that are a threat to humanity as a whole, and the entire planet as well. There were only 6 TC, and only 1 is still alive.
▪ Codename: A codename is usually given to a creature to simplify its verbal identification.
▪ Status: Rather the creature is dead, alive, or undetermined.
▪ Height/Length/Weight: These attributes have a large influence in determining the alpha, beta and gamma statuses.
▪ Diet: It's important to know what a colossus eats because a hungry monster can be incredibly dangerous.
▪ Habitat: Habitats do not often, but sometimes help determine the threat level of a colossus. If a monster has advantages in its turf, it could easily become a higher threat level.

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