Chapter Nine

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"This is bad," Sam says.

"No shit, Sherlock," Bucky grumbles.

"Language," Steve says as he bounces Daisy in his arms. He's pacing, walking from wall to wall as the other Avengers and publicity team watch. "We're going to figure this out."

"Are we?" Bucky asks. "The first time you go out with the twins and you get called a pedophile, Steve. How is that?"

"They didn't see me with the twins, just watching them," Steve says. "Which does look bad."

"How many times have I told you that baseball caps and sunglasses are not sufficient disguises?" Natasha asks between making funny faces at Grant.

Tony points to Gabe, who's sitting in Thor's lap. "Should they be in here?"

"They're fine," Steve and Bucky say together.

"Well, what's the plan?"

Steve kisses Daisy's head. "We come out," he says.

Bucky raises an eyebrow. "We come out?"

"Well, yeah? We've been talking about it for three years now, Bucky. We keep putting it off because of the kids but we're in a good place, so why not?" Steve crouches down beside him. "We can do so much more for the community if we're out, you know? We don't have to just donate anonymously to these organizations, even though I think we should keep that up, but we could actually volunteer. We could-"

Bucky kisses him. "Okay."

Steve pulls away, biting at his lip. "Yeah?"

"Yeah, you're right. It's about time we did something."

"Now you're forced to, though," Sam says. "Doesn't that cheapen it?"

Steve shakes his head. "No, because they're not calling me out for being gay. They just don't realize I was with my kids that day. It's all a misunderstanding."

Tony looks to Pepper. "Is this a good idea?"

Pepper's typing away at her phone. She pauses and looks to Steve and Bucky. "How do you want to do this?"

"We'll let you plan the location, just make sure it's an LGBT friendly situation." Steve stands up and gently tosses Daisy up in the air. She squeals kicking at her feet as she plants both hands on his face. Steve grins as he turns to Pepper. "I'll handle the words."

"I'm on it."

Bucky gasps. "Wait. I have a better idea."


The twins fidget on the couch, awkwardly looking up at their dads. "Are we in trouble?" Gabe asks.

Grant nods and points to his brother. "Yeah, trouble?"

"No, you're not in trouble," Bucky says. He sits on the coffee table. "Daddy and I just need to talk to you about something. You two may not understand, but something big is going to change."

Steve crouches down in front of them. "You know how you have two daddies?"

Gabe pokes Steve's nose. "Only one Daddy."

Bucky huffs a laugh as he leans forward. "Yes, you only have one Daddy, but you have a Papa, too, right?"

Grant looks to his brother with a weird face. "I think they're being silly."

Gabe nods, completely serious. "I think so too."

"Yeah, we're being silly," Steve says, as he reaches forward to tickle them both. The twins squirm away from his hands, giggling. He clears his throat. "Papa and I have a secret, a big secret that the world doesn't know and we're about to tell them."

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