Chapter Eight

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A/N: We'll be getting a honeymoon one-shot instead of a full chapter. I tried to write it, but I just wasn't feeling it. I'll post that on here eventually. Meanwhile, here's chapter eight:

Steve leans against the balcony, in nothing but his boxers.

Bucky watches him, still curled up against the pillows and half-asleep. He's about ready to doze back off when Steve brings a cigarette to his lips, his bicep flexing with the movement. The small tattoo on the inside of his bicep twitches, his mother's name.

"Good morning," Steve says, still watching the water down below.

"How'd you know I was awake?" Bucky grumbles.

"Breathing changed." Steve turns to lean his back against the railing, arms and ankles crossed, cigarette hanging out of his lips.

Bucky's nose scrunches. "Weirdo. Listening to my breathing while I sleep."

Steve blushes, putting out the cigarette. "Can't help it, wanted to know when you woke up so we could start our day."

"Why? Eager to get home are we?"

"No, I just want to spend our last day in Fiji with my husband, not watching him sleep it all away."

Bucky shrugs as Steve moves to kneel beside him on the bed. "Ain't my fault my body's too tired to move. It's not used to so much strenuous activity."

"Or a vacation," Steve snorts.

"I still can't believe this is our first vacation together," Bucky whispers as he reaches up to wrap his arms around Steve's waist. He pulls Steve into him, rolling over to lay atop him.

Steve kisses him softly. "I can," he says. "We couldn't afford it before and things were too busy after."

Bucky hums. "Suppose so."


"Are you sure this is what you want?" Steve asks as he adjusts his hood.

Bucky yawns and nods. "Yeah, I'm sure," he says.

It's early, far too early for anyone to be out walking the streets, but especially early to be contemplating tattoos.

Steve reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone.

Bucky looks up at the eagle proudly flying over the tattoo shop's door. "Does it hurt?"

Steve snorts. "Buck, you're a super soldier who's been through hell and back and you're scared of a tattoo? It doesn't hurt anymore than sparring with Nat does."

"Oh, because sparring with Nat is so pain free," Bucky deadpans. "Steve, I still can't feel the toes on my left foot after she did that pinchy thing."

"You mean the pressure point?" Steve presses his lips together.

"Fuck you, it's early."

Steve takes Bucky's hand and walks across the street. "No, Bucky, it doesn't hurt," he finally answers. "Not really, at least. Just rubs a little raw after a bit."

Bucky rolls his eyes as he knocks on the door.

Sal greets them with a grin. "If it isn't my favorite captain!"

"Sal," Steve says with a chuckle. He pulls the man in for a hug before he turns to Bucky. "Buck, this is Sal. He's the owner here, and the one to design our tattoos."

"And I'll be your artist," Sal says, holding out his hand to Bucky.

Bucky shakes it with a tight smile.

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