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''ma'am?'' i called out, scrambling out of my seat and towards the woman.

i felt like i was about to burst into tears at any second as i ran up to her. she looked at me with a firm gaze that i hoped i could soften somehow.

''yes?'' she asked monotonously. 

''i know it's a-against the rules and all that, b-but my best friend's in there, and, and i have no idea what's happening or if he'll even be okay. can i see him? just for a moment?'' i asked, my voice hopeful but wavering.

she looked me over before giving me a small nod.

''five minutes. follow me.''

my eyes widened as i realized i'd be able to finally see him. this was the moment of truth. this had to mean he was at least alive right? they wouldn't take me to see someone that was dead, would they? i didn't want to ask any questions in fear of making the nurse change her mind so i chose to stay quiet. i almost tripped when the woman suddenly stopped in front of a door marked '139'. i took a deep breath and waited patiently for her to open it. 

''the patient is currently in a coma from extreme loss of blood, therefore-''

''wh-what?'' i questioned, thinking, hoping that i had heard wrong. ''a coma??''

''yes, a coma. now if you'll let me finish-''

''oh no...no no no,'' i mumbled, feeling my eyes well with tears. what if...what if he never woke up? 

the woman sighed before continuing. ''we have a feeling he has some knowledge of what's going on but we're not sure. he has woken up a few times but we never managed to keep him awake for more than a minute.''

i simply nodded, not knowing what to say. just yesterday we had been sitting on the beach together talking about nothing and everything and now...not even 12 hours later he was in a coma? this couldn't be happening, i refused to believe it.

the nurse looked me over one more time, probably to make sure i wasn't a threat before opening the door to the room and letting me in.

"i'll give you two privacy," she said, gently closing the door behind her. i had a feeling she wasn't really leaving though, she was most probably standing outside of the door, patiently waiting for the five minutes to be over so she could make me leave. i mean, i wasn't allowed to be here in the first place so it was understandable.

i sighed, shifting my attention to the room, gasping at what i saw. john...well...not john exactly but someone similar to john was laying on the white bed, his small body covered by a crisp white sheet. with the whiteness of the room and the paleness of his face, the only color that really stood out was his brown hair, that outlined his face, brushing his shoulders. even with his eyes closed and his body connected to a bunch of tubes and wires he still looked absolutely gorgeous in my eyes.

remembering the time limit, i quickly walked over to the simple plastic chair next to the bed and lowered myself onto it. the silence was excoriating...there was no movement anywhere apart from the slow steady beeping of what i assumed was the machine monitoring john's heartbeat.

should i say something? i should, even if the chance of him heating me let alone recommending what he heard when he woke up was rather slim. it was worth a try.

i reached a hand towards john's and hesitated before intertwining our fingers. his hand was surprisingly warm, i had to remind myself that he was alive.

i squeezed his hand gently, biting my lip, thinking of what to say.

"johny? it's me, freddie, " i started, instantly feeling stupid for basically talking to myself in an empty room. but i knew i had to continue because if this was the last time i got to talk to my boyfriend i had to make the most of it.

"i don't really know if you can hear me...can you hear me? try to give me any sort of response if you can."

i watched him intently, moving my eyes from his hand to his face, my heart stopping for a second when i saw his eyelashes flutter the softest bit. or was that my imagination? was i going crazy?

"j-john?" i asked, my voice filled with false hope as he stayed completely still.

"i don't have much time b-but i wanted to tell you that...that i love you...and that uh...p-please wake up...because i miss you a-and, and there's so many things we never got to do just...just wake up, p-please. i'll do anything, just wake up deaky."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
a/n: well hello hello look who's back from the dead

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