Chapter 14: Twilight

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"Goodluck." Seokjin says and closes the door. Taehyung takes a deep breath, assures himself that he can do this. It's just an outing, which he never knew is also called a date.

I'll be fine. Taehyung assures himself as he walks towards the door. He stops in the hall for a moment, looks around for any mirror but then remembers Seokjin's words and he really doesn't want to be insecure or nervous right now.

Taehyung takes a deep breath, hands shaking as he types in the code, rests his hand on the door handle and then slowly opens the door but he's looking at his own feet, not at Jeongguk.

He closes his eyes, shakes his head and then looks up, breath hitches when he looks at Jeongguk. He has always, always found him attractive and good looking. The alpha looks so so good, dominant and intimidating yet softness in his eyes. Taehyung has seen him alot in his office outfit and he can't seem to look away everytime.

 Taehyung has seen him alot in his office outfit and he can't seem to look away everytime

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

^hot bunny

Red tints Taehyung's cheeks as he looks at Jeongguk, bites his lips and fidgets with his fingers because Jeongguk looks---lost.

That's right, Jeongguk's lost because the moment Taehyung opened the door, he was struck by lightning, his heart no longer in his control, beating wildly and he knows he's looking like a fool with his mouth slightly ajar and eyes a little wide as he takes in the beauty of the guy infront of him. Kim Taehyung is ethereal and Jeongguk thinks he's the luckiest to even be able to look at him.

 Kim Taehyung is ethereal and Jeongguk thinks he's the luckiest to even be able to look at him

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

^so gorgeous

Jeongguk needs to get his shit together before Taehyung becomes uncomfortable due to him starting like an idiot but he can't help it, he can't seem to look away. He has the bouquet behind his back, clutching onto it. Taehyung looks up and then away, does it again.

Jeongguk finally finds the way out of his trance, clears his throat steps forward, Taehyung doesn't look away this time.

"You look---beautiful, Taehyung." Jeongguk says and extends the bouquet towards Taehyung. The omega looks at the flower with surprise, not expecting it, everything he feels is for the first time and the way Jeongguk calls him beautiful, melts him.

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