Chapter 2

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I thought lunch would never come. The day was going by so damn slow!! Shitty hair was walking with me. "So what school did you come from?" I glanced at his curious face. He looked kinda cute. His red eyes studied every inch of my face as he waited for an answer. I looked away, frowned and shrugged my shoulders. "Don't know, I was only here for about a week." Kirishima took it as a joke. He laughed and wiped a fake tear out of his eye. "That was a good one." I glared at him and flailed my arms in the air "I'm not lying!!" He just laughed harder so I grabbed the collar of his shirt and he froze. He glanced at my lips then back up to make eye contact. Then I realized we were maybe six inches apart. I quickly shoved him back slipped my hands in my pocket and continued to walk down the hall. Shitty hair ran to catch up with me just as I ran into Deku. "Hey Midoryia!" Shitty hair smiled and waved. Deku smiled "Hey! Wanna sit with me at lunch?" Kirishima nodded then put his arm over my shoulders "Mind if Bakugou joins?" Deku looked at me and I stared at him. He quickly nodded "Yup!" We made it to the cafeteria and the place was packed. I've never seen that many people in one place in my life. We stood in line forever. Once we got our food we all sat down and started to eat. I couldn't help but to glance at Shitty hair. He stopped "Is there something on my face?" I could feel my face heat up. I quickly looked away and shoveled my food in my mouth.

Lunch ended and we split up. I had gym with All Might. He was so energetic. "Yong Bakugou!! Welcome to my class!!" There was no inside voice when it came to him. It was all yelling and a loud bellowing laugh the literally shook the whole gym. It was so annoying. When the class ended I was so happy. When school finally ended I slipped my winter jacket on and walked out of the that hell hole. I an arm wrapped around my waist, my eyes widen and I punched my asulter right square in the face. The guy fell to the ground and ground. "Don't touch me ya weirdo!!" Then I realized it was that shitty haired guy. I quickly apologized "Don't worry about it. I have tough skin so it didn't really hurt as bad as you think." He rubbed his face a bit then gave me a toothy grin "Your strong Bakugou. Ya know what?" I grunted "I like you. Your pretty cool." My face heated up as a small smile crossed my face. "Your the first person to tell me that. Shitty Hair." I screwed with his surprisingly soft red hair. "It's not shitty!" I giggled then started to walk back to my house. I heard him get up and he laughed "Wait up!" I stopped and turned to him. A snowflake fell between us, we both stared at it as it left our vision then looked back at each other. "What now?" He turned and rubbed tue back of his neck "Wanna hang out?" I swear I saw a tint of pink but I guess it was pretty cold out so I didn't pay much attention to it. I shrugged then he handed me a piece of paper. "That's my number so call or text me anytime." I winked at him "I'll think about it." I slid the paper in my pocket and waved "See ya later, Kiri." This time his face turned to a deep red. That was definitely not because of the cold.

I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling. All I could hear was my parents yelling at each other. It wasn't anything new but..... It still bothers me. I want to have at least one night without the screaming and yelling. I rolled over on my side, my phone was on my night stand. I got a flashback of Kirishima, I smiled and grabbed the paper out of my jacket that was laying on the floor next to my bed. I grabbed my phone and typed in his number. I stared at the screen before I hesitantly pressed the call button. It rang twice then he answered. "Hello?" I took a deep breath and asked "Is this Shitty hair?" I heard a gasp then a load crash and some rustling. "Sorry I dropped my phone!" I couldn't help but to laugh. "You actually called! I didn't think you would but here you are man!" I nodded "Yeah." There was a moment of silence then I heard my mom scream "GET OUT!!" Followed by the front door slamming shut. "Hey.... What was that?" Kirishima whispered. I let out a long sigh "It's.... Nothing." I looked down at my lap. I was sitting criss cross apple sauce on my bed. "Didn't sound like nothing. Are you ok man?" I glanced at my door. There were load angry foot steps approaching. "Yeah.... Listen I'll let you go..." My door swung open causing me to jump and drop my phone. My mom took a deep breath and asked "What do you want for dinner?" I shrugged "I'll make something... I'm not hungry." She nodded and shut the door. I picked up my phone and hung up. I ended up not eating dinner. I stripped to my orange boxers and snuggled into my blankets. The only thing, I should say person, I could think about was Kirishima. I fell asleep with an actual smile on my face.

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