Chapter 7

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The week went by fairly fast, Friday came like a landslide. Kirishima and I made plans after school. We were gonna crash at my place all weekend and do a bunch of random shit. When school was over, Kirishima took me home so I didn't have to walk in the cold, then went to his place to pack some clothes. My mom had already cooked up a bunch of cookies and snacks. I was actually excited. By the time I had cleaned my room there was a knock on the door, followed by my mother's voice "Come in!" I ran downstairs and tackled Kirishima to the ground. He laughed and I kissed his cheek "What's gotten into ya!?" I laughed "I'm excited." He smiled "Umm... Can you get off so I can take my stuff inside?" I nodded and helped him up. I grabbed his stuff and lead him into the house and up to my room. "This is my room." I could see a small tint of pink as he looked around my neat ish room. "I like it, Bakugou." I blushed and sat his bag on the floor next to my bed. My mom walked in the room with a giant smile, she held out her hand "I'm Bakugou's mother." Kirishima took her hand and shook it "Kirishima, it's nice to meet you." My mom nodded "You too! I have snacks and goodies downstairs on the kitchen table, help yourself anytime." She leaned forward and whispered something in Kirishima's ear, then left with a gigantic smile plastered on her face. I frowned "What did she just say?" Kirishima turned with a deep pink blush and rubbed the back of his neck "I like your mom." I face palmed, well at least he likes her. I grabbed his hand and asked "What you wanna do?" He shrugged. "You choose." I thought for a sec, I want to do something we haven't done before..... "How about playing a game." Kirishima smirked "What kind of game are you thinking about?" I shrugged and squeezed his hand gently "Whatever you want." His smirk grew. He took a step so he was infront of me. He leaned in and connected our lips for a quick second. "Let me think for a sec... How about... Trouble." I nodded "Sure." I let go of his hand and got out the game from in the hall closet. I sat on the floor in my room and pulled the game out. Kirishima sat next to me and pulled out the pieces. I got the board all set up and asked  "You wanna go fist?" He shook his head "You go." I nodded and rolled the dice.

The game was almost over and I was loosing miserably. Kirishima had one piece left to get into the safe space and I still had to get all four. I groaned "This game is dumb as fuck!" Kirishima laughed and patted my shoulder "It's beginners luck." I frowned "Yeah, sure it is asshole." He laughed even harder. I rolled again, I didn't get the number I needed. I threw my hands in the air "Fuck you!! I fucking quit!! I can't get a single damn one!!" Now Kirishima was rolling back and fourth, laughing. Kirishima rolled a.... "Are you kidding me!?! That's bullshit!!!" He rolled a one, and he won the game. I flipped the board over and stomped downstairs. I grabbed some chocolate chip cookies and shoved them in my mouth. Kirishima followed me and ate one himself. I stopped and glanced at him, he was watching me with those damn red eyes. I frowned "Is there something on my face?" He nodded and wiped a crump from the corner of my mouth then ate it himself. I blushed, "Awe!!! I'm so proud my son has a man as nice as you!" I jumped at the sound of my mom's voice. I violently turned around and glared "Shut up mom!!!" She laughed. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind. A muscular chest pressed against my back, Kirishima rested his chin on my shoulder and whispered "Calm down, no need to be embarrassed." I blushed "Sorry..."
He chuckled then kissed my neck. I closed my eyes and focused on those soft lips on my bare skin. I heard my mom slowly leave the room. I bit my lip and whispered "Kiri, wait until later." He kissed farther up my neck, letting his teeth just barely graze my now sensitive skin. He smirked and one of his hands slid down to the slowly growing bulge in my pants. "Why? This place disagrees with that notion." I slowly opened my eyes and whispered "Please... Kirishima~." He placed another soft kiss on my neck then nibbled my ear "Fine, only because I love you." He let me go and I let out a shakey breathe. My face was all red, I glanced at Kirishima and he smiled "How about tonight, when everyone is sleeping." I nodded. "Yeah..." I grabbed his hand. "Where are we going?" I lead him upstairs "Hey mom! We're going to bed!" My mom was in her room which was downstairs. "Ok! Don't make to much noise!" I headed to my room and shut and locked the door. Kirishima looked at me confused "I changed my mind.... Let's do it..." I whispered the last part. Kirishima smiled "We can wait if you want. I don't really care." I took a step forward so we were a few inches apart. I placed both my hands on his face and slowly connected our lips. I pulled away "Don't back out on me... Especially when it's your fault I'm like this." Kirishima smirked. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me up against him. "Oh Bakugou, your so damn adorable."

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