Ugly Baby

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     "Come join us", a soft voice said.
Hitomi would've found it cute if it weren't from the other cubicle. Even here, Chaewon was trying to persuade her. She rolled eyes and unlocked the door. She quickly tried to run away from Chaewon but the girl in the cubicle next to her was quicker than her and was able to hold onto her wrist before Hitomi could even exit the comfort room.

     "Hitomi, please...", Chaewon pleaded, while looking at Hitomi with puppy eyes and a pout. This was a side Chaewon never showed to other people, except Minjoo of course. Hitomi sighed and removed Chaewon's hands from hers before looking at her with no expression.

     "No.", Hitomi blankly said.

     Hitomi wished it would go back to the time after their fight, the time when Chaewon was still awkward with her and not as stubborn as she is now.


      Hitomi was just sitting inside their classroom, waiting for their teacher to arrive, until she saw Chaewon enter. Her eyes were just like hers, red but Chaewon's was much worse. It was obvious that she cried a lot last night. Hitomi felt a bit guilty after walking away from her while they were in the practice room.

     "I...I'm s-sorry. I was just dumb and desparate, I didn't know what to do.", Chaewon said but was still unable to look at Hitomi.

     "You were the only one I trusted...

      But you chose to hurt me too.", Hitomi said making Chaewon finally look at her. Hitomi could feel Chaewon's grip loosen gradually as Hitomi's words sinked in Chaewons mind. Hitomi pulled both of her hands away from Chaewon's making Chaewon's palm falll straight on the floor as she kneeled.

     Hitomi then walked away, leaving Chaewon all alone in the dance club's room. Before Hitomi could completely leave, she heard Chaewon finally break down.

     Chaewon had her head down as she walked to her seat, trying to not let anyone notice her eyes but she failed. Everyone looked at her, curious as to why the usually emotionless person cried. Minjoo fought the urge to ask and comfort her friend. She wanted to go to her but she stopped herself from doing so as Chaewon had been avoiding her these past few fays. Minjoo thought that perhaps going near her right now wouldn't be the best decision, although it hurt her. It hurts her when Chaewon ignores her and it hurts even more because she doesn't know why. She stayed up at night, unable to sleep, her brain trying to figure out what she might have done to Chaewon for her to ignore her like this.

      Hitomi watched her silently until Chaewon decided to look at her too. They quickly looked away from each other, pretending like nothing happened.

     When they were seated on the same table in the cafeteria, Chaewon always avoided her eyes.

     When Chaewon would see Hitomi walking to her direction in the hallway, she would quickly face the other direction and run as fast as she could.

     When Hitomi came to hang out with her friends, Chaewon would quickly escape, always coming up with an excuse to leave.

      "Did something happen between you two? You've been acting weird when she's around lately.", Yena asked as she chewed on her sandwich as she sat in front of Chaewon. Yena was again inside their classroom instead of staying inside her classroom.

     "Who? I don't know what you're talking about.", Chaewon successfully said without stuttering but she was unable to look at Yena in the eyes. She pretended to write on her notebook but Yena isn't as dumb as people think she is.

The Girl In The Painting (ON HIATUS) (Hyetomi/Chaetomi)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat