2 boyfriends ||10||

Start from the beginning

(Richie) "ok if we can't find them then we need to call an ambulance"

(Bev) "hold on. let me go down stairs and ask the front desk if they have one before we call"

(Richie) "okay just hurry back" Bev runs down the hall way

(Richie) "where could they be?" Richie started to walk around every corner of the room.  he realized the bathroom was the only place they didn't look. he went in and looked on the counter, but nothing was there. he looks on the ground and saw a black bag with the initials EK in a light pink lettering. he grabs it and runs to Eddie. he quickly took out the inhaler and gave it to him. Eddie starts to breathe better.

(Stan) "oh my god they were there the whole time"

(Richie) "yeah they were on the ground"

(Stan) "I'm going to tell Bev you found them before she calls the ambulance" Stan walks out. Eddie finally starts to catch his breath and he takes two pills. Eddie looks at Richie

(Eddie) "I'm sorry Richie. I didn't mean to do that"

(Richie) "don't be. I'm sorry I couldn't find it sooner. I'm also sorry for being a total dick last night" Richie looks down.

(Eddie) "but you found my bag and that's what matters. and yes, you were a dick, but let's forget it. okay?" Richie smiles at Eddie

(Richie) "okay, but are you still mad ?"

(Eddie) "of course not. plus you just saved my life"

(Richie) "okay, well if you're fine, do you want to come get breakfast with us?"

(Eddie) "ok I'll come" Richie smiles and they both leave down stairs, Bev, Bill and Stan are all sitting down at a table waiting for them. they both sit

(Bev) "hey. you okay Eddie?"

(Eddie) "yeah I'm good. thank you guys for looking and helping out"

(Stan) "we're always going to look out for you, dude "
Eddie smiles

(Stan) "so where's Mike?....... Oh...and Ben?"

(Bev) "I think they're still asleep"

(Stan) "oh" he says looking down at the table

(Richie) "I'm not waiting on those losers to get up. let's eat" they all stand up and get in the buffet line. Once they get their food, they get to the table and Mike walks up.

(Richie) "where's Ben!?"

(Mike) "he's still sleeping"

(Bev) "aww he's probably still tired from driving all night"

(Bill) "yeah"

(Richie) "well that's his problem if he doesn't get to eat"

(Mike) "is there any food left for me?"

(Stan) "I saved you a banana nut muffin. I know you like them"

(Mike) "oh..thanks, Stan!"

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