The green haired kid was scribbling notes down furiously and muttering unintelligibly. This continued for another few seconds until a boy with spikey blond hair, that I remember I gave an "attitude correction" to, told him to shut up.

"No, having a fake leg isn't cheating, though I bet it changes your speed," the teacher replied monotonously.

After waiting and watching all the other students run the 50-meter dash, I felt slightly surprised that their top speed was only two point something something seconds.

"They wouldn't stand a chance against a ghoul, especially one rated S or higher."

"It's your turn now Mr. Suzuya," the teacher called.

"Okay!" I yelled.

The weird robot thing that kept score and said GO!!, was telling me when to start.

Get ready... Get set... GO!!

And suddenly, I was at the other end of the track.

1.57 seconds. The robot called out. All of class 1-A stood staring.

"Why're you all staring at me? I'm not really that fast. Compared to Haise, I'm really slow." I asked.

"All right, moving on. The next test is grip strength. Do you have a top score in that Mr. Suzuya?" The teacher asked again.

"Nope. I don't think I actually bothered trying to find a top score in anything."

"We'll just have to see then."

I waited until it was my turn, though I was less disappointed with their top grip strength of 566 kilograms. I probably won't be able to beat that, though any ghoul with an arm like kagune such as Kaneki, Hinami,
Nishiki, Tatara, or any of the Owls would easily be able to destroy the testing machine.

After I grabbed the handle on the small machine and squeezed with all my might, the screen read 421 kilograms.

"Awww, I didn't beat the other guy. Oh well, I guess it's to be expected since I don't have a quirk."

"Wait, you don't have a quirk? Then how did you get in this school, and how were you so fast on the 50-meter dash?" Sero asked.

"Nope, I'm a normal human, though let me think... hhmm...If I were to say I had a quirk, it would have to be pain immunity."

"Pain immunity?" Uraraka questioned.

"Yeah, pain and I don't really speak much, though that's thanks to Mama, not because I was born with it."

"All right everyone, moving along again. The next part of the assessment is the standing long-jump.

"Heehee!" I laughed as I easily lept over the sand pit.

"Next is the repeated side-steps!"

I hopped side to side with balanced ease as the weird robot thing clicked.

"Now the ball throw!"

"Hey, before I throw..." I ran over to Mr. Aizawa and whispered something in his ear.

"Sure, sure, go ahead, just don't hit anybody," he replied in the same dreary voice.

"Okay!" I grabbed the ball and threw as far as I could, and when the ball started to fall, I pulled out my knives.
Everyone startled when suddenly I had 5 knives in each hand, but I don't pay them any mind. I focused on the ball and threw my knives at it in a way that the ball bounced off of them and kept it on motion. I did this until I lost site of the ball. A moment later, the device Mr. Aizawa was holding beeped, indicating that the ball touched the ground.

"2,748 meters." Mr. Aizawa read.

"Wow, that's even farther than Kacchan's was! Amazing!" Izuku exclaimed.

"The throw itself wasn't all that good, but the knives I used to keep it in the air made it go farther," I corrected him.

"Where did you learn to use knives like that?" Izuku asked, notebook already in hand.

"My Mama taught me."

"Your mama must be an amazing person!"

I froze after hearing those words. I have to pick my words carefully from now on. "Was. My Mama was an, I wouldn't say the word amazing person."

"Was. Then that means she died. I'm sorry for bringing it up."

Before anyone could stop him, Bakugo, who was pisssed about being beaten in the ball throw, had to pry.

"How pathetic. I bet your mama was a stupid old hag that died of shock when she finally saw her ugly reflection in the mirror," he taunted.

When I heard him say that, I could feel my rage start to grow.

"Hey. You know, maybe you should work on knowing the right time to shut up."

By now, everyone in the class had frozen what they were doing to watch, probably feeling my bloodlust in the air.

"My Mama didn't die because she looked in the mirror and saw her reflection. My Mama is dead because I killed her."

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