Ep29: My One and Only-Pt1

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Tj thinks through his feelings and how he feels about Cyrus. He expresses his fears and talks to Buffy. He discovers that he really does like the boy, and now is trying to find a way to ask him out. Jonah and Cyrus are going to talk.


"Let's talk," Jonah mutters, as he takes a seat across from me in the booth. "I already know you're going to drown me in apologies, so go ahead,"

"I understand that what I did was wrong. I shouldn't have toyed with your emotions like that,"

"Stating the obvious," He mumbles under his breath. "Go on. I need to ne somewhere,"

"How do I state this briefly?" I ask myself. "I don't think we should be friends anymore." He looks up at me, eyes wide in surprise. "Trust me, I hate myself for saying that,"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that we should probably stop hanging out or just lose contact completely,"

"Why?" He asked, his voice starting to raise up in volume and his body starting to tense up.

"The night at the party, you were right. I'm a bad friend."

"Cyrus, you don't know what you're saying! I didn't know what I was saying!" The boy stammered.

"You knew what you were saying Jonah. You deserve better than someone who has caused you so much pain."

"And who caused me so much pain?"

"I did, Jonah." I mutter.

"But I take it all back! Cyrus, I don't want to lose you entirely! I need you." He exclaimed, smiling. I shake my head no.

"What you need is yourself right now. I think, you need to lose me, to help love yourself." I explain, starting to stand up. I sigh and start to walk away, leaving Jonah to his thoughts.


"You did what!?" Andi asks me. We're currently at my house, inside of my bedroom. I was sitting in my desk chair while Andi sat in on my bed. She was spending the night, because both Bex and Cece are out of town for two days.

"I unfriended him. I kept hurting him, Andi. I don't deserve him as my friend,"

"What did he think about this?"

"I don't know. He seemed worried, but he'll realize that we shouldn't be friends soon enough." I state.

"Did he want you guys to continue being friends?" The girl asks.

"I'm not sure,"

"What do you mean?"

"He was all worried. He kept saying he didn't mean anything he said, but he never said I still want to be friends," I explain.

"Did he say anything similar?"

"I don't want to lose you,"

"What?" Andi muttered.

"He said he needed me. Oh, my god, Andi! What did I do!?" I yelled.

"I don't know! Don't ask me!"

"I just hurt him even more! I should go talk to him!"

"Cyrus, I-"

"What am I thinking!? I just hurt him yet again, and I expect him to just forgive me?" I ask myself, cutting Andi off.

"Cy!" Andi yells. "Someone is here." I look at her, questioning why someone was here. We walked out of my room and into the living room. I opened the front door to see Buffy and Marty.

"Hey!" Buffy exclaimes.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her.

"Andi invited me over! I also, invited Marty." She stated as the pair walked inside.

"She dragged me along out of nowhere," the boy laughed.

"Are we all having a sleepover or what's happening?" I asked them.

"We're here to cheer you up." Buffy stated. "Andi told me that you just haven't been well lately."

"It has been! My life is ending up worse than Tana-con!" I whine.

"Hey, it was not Tana's fault!" Andi yelled.

"Okay, okay! I say we play a game." Marty suggests.


"Buffy...truth or dare?" Andi asks her. We're in my room playing this classic sleepover game.


"I dare you to not kiss Marty on the lips or cheeks for the rest of the night."

"That's not hard," Buffy laughs.

"I mean, we've been here for thirty minutes and you two have kissed 4 times already," I state. The girl blushed. Then Marty suddenly takes her hand in his and places a kiss on top of it.

"You never said we couldn't kiss each other's hands!" The boy exclaims.

"Crap, they found a loophole!" Andi whines.

"Anyway, truth or dare, Andi?" I ask her.


"Do you have a crush?"


"Ooo, who is it?" Buffy asks.

"I'm not telling you! That wasn't part of the question."

"Cy!" My mom yells from downstairs. I tell the others that I'll be back in a minute.  I heard downstairs to see my mom sitting at the counter. "Having fun?"

"Mom, did you literally call me down here just to ask that?" I ask, annoyed.

"No! Of course not! I was just wondering...I noticed that Jonah isn't here. Is everything okay with you guys?"

"It's fine mom,"

"Is it? Jonah always loves to come over."

"He just couldn't make it," I lie.

"I swear you manage to make that boy smile on the rainiest day," my mom laughs.  "I remember that he come over, crying. You two went upstairs and twenty minutes later, came back down with smiles....I wonder what you guys were doing upsta-"

"Mom!" I yell.

"I'm just joking with you....it kinda seems like he has a crush on you." She jokes. I take a deep breath before speaking.

"That's because he kinda does," I blurt.


"I figured out he had a crush on me, so we dated but I broke up with him, and now we're not on good terms because of a mistake I made." I stammer, not taking a single breath throughout. My mom smiled, then shook her head no.

"Cyrus, I knew you were gay. I was just wondering when you'd tell me." She laughed.

"How did you know?"

"Don't think I didn't know about you and Jonah's makeout session that one time. I barged in with bagels on purpose." She explained. "I have no problem with you being gay. You're still the same person since you were born. Just make sure you're happy." I walk closer to her and engulf her in a hug.

"Thanks," I smile. The moment was ruined though, because Buffy came running down the stairs. "What are you doing,"

"After a long talk, I invited someone else." She stated.


Knock! knock!

To be continued............

Hope u enjoyed the 1st part of the finale! Luv ya guys, buh bye!

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