Ep24: Mistakes

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(A/N) Hello there readers! I just want to say hello, and sorry for not updating this story for awhile. Other stories and school rly pushed my schedule. When I first started writing on Wattpad, I thought no one would like my stories...but I think people like this one? I'm grateful, and enjoy the story cuz the tea is hot! P.s, listen to the song...its for Jonah


Cyrus went through his plan to win over Tj. He got the blonde drunk enough to express his emotions without thinking, then used Jonah's love for him to his advantage. But Cyrus soon realized his mistake, but before he could do anything about, Tj kissed him in front of Natalie. That's what you missed on Ep23!


Tj is kissing me right in front of Natalie. I was ready for the worst. I heard rumors of vicous girl fights breaking out, and I'm afraid one is going to happen now. Hell...I'm not even girl. I stared at Natalie, glances to the side, trying not to let Tj's soft lips distract me.

Natalie finally registered what had happened and her plan expression turned into a.....smile? A faint smile made its way across her face as she saw her boyfriend kissing me. She walled off not even bothering to say a word to the two of us.

Meanwhile, Tj was still attacking my lips. God, I knew the guy might've liked me, but I didn't know he liked me this much. He then placed hid hands on my waste and pulled me closer to him. I knew he was drunk and not thinking straight......straight.
But the feeling of his lips on mine was just intoxicating.

He did pull away eventually, his breathing going up a bit as he searched for air. He was a smiling fool, and I was as well until I saw someone out of the corner of my eye.

Jonah was looking at us. And he looked hurt. Heart broken. His eyes were watery, his usual glowinh smile, gone, as he watched me kiss...what I guess you could call his 'rival' in love.

Tj swooped down to kiss me again, but I backed away, earning a grone from him.

"What's wrong, Cy? I though you liked me too?" He asked, obviously upset. I glanced back at Jonah who looked away once we unintentionally made eye contact.

"I need to fix things." I muttered before leaving him and walking through the crowd. I saw Jonah start to leave, probably not wanting to see me at the moment. "Jonah!" He continued to walk away, eventually walking outside, me behind him.

"I don't want to speak r-right now, Cy!" he yelled, choking on his words.

"Are you crying?" I asked him. He suddenly stopped and turned around, looking at me. His eyes puffy.

"I love you, Cyrus...did you know that?" He asked me.

"Of course, I know tha-"

"Then why did you use me!" He yelled.

"I didn't mean for it to end like this! I didn't know what I was doing...I was being selfish, and I'm sor-"

"Yes, you were being selfish....I love you, so much, Cyrus."

"I-...." I was going to speak, but I found myself at a loss of words.

"I love you with all my heart. When my panic attackes kicked in, when my family was struggling, you were always there for me. Yes, it took me a year to realize it, but you are the love of my life...." Jonah stated.  "Then you found Tj, and you fell for him...and when you rejected me and all of that, I supported you, because that's how much I love you."

"I'm so sorry, Jonah. I love you too, just not as a lover. You're like a brother to me." I exclaimed, grabbing his hands and holding them in mine.

"Why would you kiss your brother, Cy?....I'm not a brother to you...I'm a toy. I'm something that you used for your own personal gain." Jonah muttered.

"Jonah, you know that's not tru-" I was soon cut off by his lips on mine. He pulled me close to him, deeping our kiss. I could tell how much he was hurting by how passionate he was. He always did like to kiss me when we were dating. It's like his way of releasing all his worries. He then pulled away and looked at me sorrowfully.

"By, Cyrus." He mumbled under his breath. He walked away, me not bothering to try and chase after him. I know he was in pain, and he needed space. Especially from me. I looked back the party and shook me head no, to myself. I'm done with parties. I got my phone out and texted someone to come pick me up. Good thing she just got a car.


I was sitting down on the porch, waiting for my ride to appear. All I wanted to do was collapse on my bed and cry. I keep hurting people, over and over. A red car then pulled up, and the window rolled down.

"Cyrus!" Andi called out. I got up and headed over to the vehicle, and got into the passenger seat. "What's wrong?"

"A lot of things." I said, not really wanting to speak. We stayed silent for awhile, Andi driving off to her house, because I didn't want to face my parents, and Bex was fine with it.

"So....I got this car for my 15th birthday!" The girl cheered, trying to cheer up my mood. I gave a faint smile, the expression soon fading away. "I'm only supposed to use it to drive to school, but I guess I can use it for other things.....look, even if you are a total idoit, I'm still here for you."

"Not helping," I muttered. We pulled up at Andi's house.

"Look, just know that Buffy and I are always here for you." We smiled at each other before getting out of yhe car.


School. I literally slept for the whole weekend. After the party, I didn't want to deal with anything. My mom picked me up from Andi's house and we went home. Good for me, she didn't bring up any questions.

I was walking to my first class, but was soon greeted by a person I didn't want to see. Mostly because now that he's sober, he's going to want explanations and answers.

"Hey, we need to talk." Tj said.

To be continued......

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