The Grudge Contest

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    On a dark and stormy night, there lived a family who lived in quite a big house with 2 floors. It was the biggest in the neighborhood. However, suspicious noises came from the attic every night. One day, the noises continued to get louder and louder. It startled everyone in the house. They were all super confused. Some days past and it continued again but even throughout the day. But all of a sudden...

News Report: "Young Mother has Murdered her Own Family"

Few months past, a single mother, Sophia and her son Sam moved in not knowing anything about the incident. When they entered the house, Sam felt a bit of a breeze. He didn't think anything of it. Sophia told Sam to go put up his furniture while she would do the rest of the house. So, Sam went up to his room and heard this loud BANG. He knew there was something wrong! A weird feeling crossed his mind. Sam would always pretend he was a detective. So, this was his time to shine. He had a plan, tomorrow night he would search the whole house but for now, he would sleep downstairs in the living room. Sam didn't want his mom knowing, so, he quickly put up all the furniture in his room and rushed back downstairs.

The Next Day

      Sam woke up super early. As he was getting out of bed, he tripped and made a very loud noise. Sophia rushed to check on him. She asked "What are you doing so early in the morning?" Sam was lost for words. He didn't know what to do. So, he just showed his mom the plan he made. His mom was in shock and thought it was silly and giggled. His mom told Sam to give it up and stop playing games.

3 Months Later

     "BANG BANG BANG" the noises started again. This time they both heard it their faces dropped. They decided to take a closer look. They went up to the attic and saw this black huge figure that was turned around against the wall. They didn't know what to do so they ran as fast as they could. However, there was a shadow following them. Sam turned around and couldn't believe his eyes. They would call it the Grudge. Every time they would run faster, so would the figure. Sophia knew she had to save her son Sam.  So, she grabbed his hand and exited out of the house so quickly, that the figure stopped confused where they had gone. The mother and the son hid behind  the neighborhood park. They could feel the floor shake. All of a sudden, they saw a big, black, long, fluffy, and nauseating hand..........

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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