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I'm Chevella Naomi Mason. A seventeen years old, 5'2, pale skinned and freckled girl. I have auburn hair. I also have dimples but very few people know, only people who have seen me smile. And that's very few people, cause I don't really smile much.

Haven't had much reason to.

        I'm the last born of five children and my immediate elder sister is twenty five years old. My mum tells me that I'm a miracle, I know she means mistake. My father doesn't mince words with me. He tells me to my face.

We don't get along.

       I haven't spoken since I was eleven. The doctors diagnosed me with selective mutism. What do they know? There's a reason I don't talk. No one knows except for Nicole, my diary. And pretty much my only friend. I'm not weird.
          I'm only good at one subject in school; literature. Since I'm already used to writing my feelings on paper, it comes to me easy. I get mostly C's, some B's and, occasionally, A's. And that's another reason why my father hates me. All my elder siblings went to college on scholarships, that should tell you pretty much everything you need to know about how smart they are.
         My mum tells me that I'm special, I know she's trying to find a subtle way to say' not so smart'. My father is one of those parents who is not scared to whip his children and I have the scars to prove it. It's not like I'm not trying. I'm always reading but I usually end up forgetting.
       I'm an expert when it comes to fading into the background. I've mastered the art the art of opening doors without it screeching. When I'm walking you can never hear my footsteps. I suppose it also has to do with the kind of shoes I wear. I wear only converse, leather flats and sometimes ballet like shoes. They really do work . Try it. I also dance ballet in my spare time, makes me light on my feet.
         I cook really well. That's the only time my father smiles at me; when he's eating something I've cooked. Hypocrite.
          Since I don't talk, I've learnt to observe. My teachers all know about my condition and so the try their best to exclude me from answering questions, and if they do ask , it usually is a Yes or no question. My observation skills are very good. I know that character of everyone in my class set. I know their names, what they do when they are nervous, when they are flirting and when they are about to do something mischievous. I'm pretty much an human behaviorist.
       My immediate elder sister, Maryanne, a single mom, is the only one in my family who almost understands me. She and her son, Josh, come visit regularly, while my remaining siblings; Chase (35, two kids, married), Lara(32, three kids)  and Daniel, the player who is twenty nine and not likely to settle down any time soon.
       I'm a bit good at singing, I sing when I am alone, I also draw. So that is what you need to know about me

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